FIFA Packs And Loot Boxes ‘Not Gambling’ In UK (They’re Totes Gambling Though)

The UK Gambling Commission has decided loot boxes do not fall under their jurisdiction, allowing Electronic Arts’ FIFA Packs and similar predatory business models to survive in Britain.

This news isn’t particularly surprising, considering technology moves fast and the law moves slow. And while many may expect me to be livid, I’ve been getting what I want – I want the concerns around loot boxes to get serious discussion, and that’s what we’ve been getting.

The conversation is far from over, and companies like EA are far from done with having to justify their unethical and despicable behavior.

#UK #LootBoxes #EA #Gambling #JimSterling #IndustryBS



  1. U.K. government officials should listen to gambling addict testimonies regarding gambling mechanics in video games.

  2. I live in the UK and its become a joke, politicians are so out of touch with the people, it doesn’t take a genius to realise that Loot boxes, while technically may not be gambling in the traditional sense, certainly encourages gambling behaviour, including all its pitfalls, any idiot can see this.

  3. Ofcourse the UK gambling law is gonna side with EA, they’re all the same.

  4. It’s worse than gambling, it’s like a kind of profitless gambling. At least with regular gambling there’s a small chance you’ll come out with more money than you went in but loot boxes are just a money sink.

  5. I wonder how much they were payed…
    Wait… the Valve marketplace isn’t official? GTFO.

  6. First step: is this against the law?
    Second step: this should be against the law.
    Third step: change the law.

  7. Hey Jim, have you seen the new GTA Online update? It basically adds a casino with full gambling mechanics. It’s so bad that it is banned is dozens of countries.

  8. UK defending FIFA packs? why am I not suprised that it didnt pass

  9. look like we (UK) have been hit by an “Surprise Prime Minister”.

  10. Russian roulette with loaded pistols is not gambling since there is no direct monetary gains. Admittedly there are secondary aspect of value such as not blowing your brains out.

  11. too busy to come up with a clever username

    If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a beaver impersonating a duck.

  12. Because the “totally not bought” government officials said that with lootboxes there is no money on the line…
    Lootboxes: *leave families in bankruptcy*

  13. Isn’t the point of gambling regulation the fact you can lose money not because you win money ffs

  14. Guaranteed several people just got a hefty campaign donation, as well as to their own personal accounts.

  15. So since the digital rewards are not monetary, that kills the regulation against the original Napster, then, which relied on just being expecting to download in return was claimed to be “monetary equivalent”.

  16. As usual in the UK so called watchdogs let us, the public, down in favour of big corporations

  17. everyone is sking “is this gambeing?” the real question we should be asking is “is this acceptable?” because no matter if its gambeing or not, this needs some regulation.

  18. Algie Evan DeWitt V

    Isn’t it worse than gambling because there is no official money earned through the gambling… Just money lost?

  19. Hang on, if the prizes of loot boxes have no monetary value, then doesn’t that officially classify as a scam?

  20. OptimisticSociopath

    EA: “Here… Take this money UK, and keep your eyes out of our… “little” business, ok?”
    UK: “Yeah, sure thing… Mate.”

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