1. Love the video ❤❤

  2. Does anybody know if Iron Lung will release in Europe, too? Or will be U.S. exclusive?

  3. Mark you got to play 9 child’s street its a super well made scary game its worth it it has a very joy of creation feel to it

  4. 3:02 your hair was too loud

  5. how did you get that game on pc?

  6. Hey markimoo I’ve been watching your videos since I was like 5 or 7 years old, I’m almost fifteen. I hope you could reply 😊 I also can’t wait for iron lung

  7. You be my friend

  8. How we going to have a fnaf movie without the king of fnaf 😢

  9. Benjamin VanDeCreek

    Man I can’t believe mark is playing the sub in iron lung!

  10. 30:45 adults have aprox. 1,2-1,5 gallons of blood in their body, so you have almost donated a whole humans worth of blood 😂

  11. I love your new trailer for Iron Lung! And I agree with you so much on how movie trailers always end up spoiling stuff in the movie. Which just deters people from watching it. So I love how you’re doing your trailers, keep it up 🙂

  12. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  13. The fact that Mark is popular enough to almost be in 2 movies at the same time! It is too bad fnaf didn’t work out but Mark had to put his movie first. I’m not sure if it’s normal for actors to film 2 movies at the same time anyway.

  14. finally we know

  15. 48:09 i agree, mark. i agree…………………..

  16. Hello, Humans
    Riddle me this – what has one head, blinks, but never goes out into the sun?


  17. Yeah it would’ve been nice if we saw mark in fnaf but him starring and directing his own movie is probably a bigger opportunity for him than what they had planned

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