Escape The Backrooms Update 4 is wild and has so many monsters… and valves

Friends in Video:
Nogla – @DaithiDeNogla
Terroriser – @Terroriser

Please Ignore or flag spam, negative, or hateful comments. We’re here to have a good time. Thanks everyone, and enjoy :]


  1. Fun game vanoss

  2. Its nice to see that the Backrooms series is still up

  3. 6:23 got me I jumped

  4. Lmao 😂

  5. The Backrooms never gets old 😂

  6. The end of the funny moments title

  7. @michaelhoward1775

    I was starting I fall off with there videos but I this one brought me back..haven’t enjoyed a video since the BO1 and BO3 zombies

  8. Am I crazy or did this video go through 3 different titles?

  9. ayo pause 18:34

  10. 25:55 the one time Vanoss could have said “dont cross the rickety bridge” 😂

  11. Get Delirious into these and maybe Lui. Would be Epic! 😅

  12. I legit inhaled a cough lollie and choked when that monster came out of the tunnel

  13. Bro I hop this never end

  14. @connerroesler3703

    Vanoss, can you please play more game of life 2 or Mario party? I love those videos they are so funny. Thanks!

  15. Its like an anime it will never end

  16. Vanoss really needs a new rig lol

  17. On-wards… 🙂

  18. Deathrun PTSD hitting at 23:00 haha

  19. Don’t give TikTok credit for a meme it didn’t invent😂


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