Chazsy + SSSWays DDos ON STREAM and STILL LOSE 6v5

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DDossing/Booting on stream with comms? Surely Blizzard / Twitch / Microsoft won’t let this go unpunished right?


  1. what kind of fucking retard ddos’es ON STREAM is this kid autistic
    edit: this also shoes how chazsy was able to climb so high

  2. He can’t beat them in a 6v5 he’s bad

  3. This needs to be sent to Blizzard

  4. introverted mind

    Reporting time?
    Edit:Chazsy changed his gt to Bhazsy lul, go get him boys

  5. this is a few hours after he didnt touch point on Temple of Anubis against us. “Number 1 Zarya NA”

  6. The voice cracks got me in tears



  8. i love you big man tyrone

    His Zarya looks like my Zarya. I’m in diamond.

  9. Champagne Pironi

    4:28 you hear that squeal?? LOL what a little faggot. Unfortunately Blizzard will probably do jack shit, seems they only punished Dafran because he was a pro. A lot of trolls roaming scot-free.

  10. When did minecraft community move to Overwatch 🙁

  11. I’m honestly not surprised they lost in a 6v5. Those two most likely only climbed that high because of DDosing. Fucking trash players, go back to plat.

  12. DDOS up to this rank then blame teammates who worked for the rank. LMFAO

  13. 4:27 that nerd scream gave me a justice boner

  14. What is this BK’s problem with having other accounts? Who fucking cares? It’s an account, not a felony. At least he got what was coming to him for being an asswipe

  15. the randoms of yt are now flooding in

    Edit: Reddit top post this should be good

  16. Uh Mike? 7.5k views…and this time it isn’t about UranicFrog. Something is wrong here, and it’s not just the DDOS’ing lul

  17. 4:25 If he squeaks like that after losing a 5v6 imagine his girly scream when he gets hardware banned from the xbox his mom bought him.

  18. “…we get 4 fucking retards on our team”. i think he miscounted. i see only 2

  19. >ddos like a little punk bitch
    >on the verge of tears because they still lose a 6v5
    >autistic screeching
    >blames team for how shit they are

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