Bob’s First Kiss

Listen to the FULL STORY ►►
Bob tells Mark and Wade about his first kiss and how romantic and amazing and not awkward at all it definitely was.


  1. Play dead by daylight :3

  2. Bro this is amazing

  3. This video just gave me advice on how to kiss correctly

  4. Best video of the year

  5. My first kiss… I was 6 and he was 4… Must have seen his parents kiss before cause my first kiss had tongue.

  6. Mark braiding wades skull whisker had me dying

  7. When wade went dooodoodldodoodoooo caught me off guard 😂😂😂

  8. Now get ready for the memes showing LOOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH and it is the animation of bob getting his first kiss😅😅

  9. it was a canon event

  10. Bro why does mark look like Jesus wade looks like Mr clean and Bob looks like a discord mod

  11. Miguel Alves Rosa



    Hey markiplier I am interested in buying fnaf hw vr in ps4 but first I wanted to ask you what vr you were using and if you were playing in pc or console

  13. 24 and still a virgin🗿

  14. You’re pushing these things, yet now an account is required to listen? AND you pulled the episodes from youtube AGAIN? You’re not sending the message you want this to succeed my dude.

  15. Why Nickelback…

  16. who want them to have their own cartoon show? ✋🏽

  17. Duckies Gacha Community

    Teeth clanking lol

  18. I remember listening to this episode at work while pricing and hanging cloths in the back and the funnest thing is that when I got home, took my dogs for a walk and the song came on. I was like thanks Bob

  19. God I remember my first kiss and neither of us knew how to kiss, so we lip kissed the same way your mom would kiss you on the cheek and we kinda just looked at each other awkwardly like we knew it wasn’t right, but we didn’t wanna say anything and moved on. Lmao

  20. These animations are good but why are they always given the ugliest thumbnails I’ve ever seen

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