Black Ops 4 Sneaks Microtransactions In After Launch And They’re A Godawful Con

Every now and then, “AAA” publishers attempt to smuggle their microtransactions in post-launch so they don’t get mentioned in reviews or early buyers. In the case of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, it’s pretty obvious that Activision Blizzard had a hell of a con job to hide.

Call of Duty Points return for a miserable pastiche of Fortnite, Battle Tiers that contain $200 worth of microtransactions. They’re also used for Zombies mode, and to indirectly purchase loot boxes, aka Reserves.

Activision once again demonstrates that it can’t help being a shady greedy clump of matted drain hair.

#CallOfDuty #COD #BlackOps4 #IndustryBS #Microtransactions #Fortnite #Activision


  1. Dimitri Krotchliqmeov

    imagine my shock

  2. Who else called this? Everybody called this.

  3. Activision, bunch of sphincters

  4. Richard Batchelor - Composer

    Another Day, another shit thing done by Activision Blizzard

    add it to the pile…………

  5. I wonder if we’ll see this as a growing tactic. No micro transactions during the pre-release / first week / review period, and then sneaking them in when the expect the bad press to die down. That’s a problem that will knowingly force press and youtube channels to either wait until a few weeks in to actually cover the games, or pretend it isn’t happening.

  6. Can someone please inject me with adrenaline so I have the energy to act surprised by this.

  7. I bet Bethesda is going to do the same with F76.
    Look at the perk cards! They look so easily monetizable and function exactly like lootboxes! It even has a two currency system!
    What is this, a mobile game?!

  8. I’m amazed that people are still shocked by these practices.

    If Activision Blizzard, EA, Bungie, Microsoft ect don’t have *ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD* then they aren’t happy.

  9. I just feel dirty watching this

  10. In accordance with this practice, I suggest that review outlets update review scores to reflect this skullduggery every time it happens.

  11. B-b-but player choice

  12. When will this nonsense end, they can’t keep charging more and making less.

    the second videogame crash can’t come soon enough.

  13. I also miss when stuff was unlocked through gameplay challenges. As someone who is adequate but not especially good at games, it felt amazing to unlock stuff through perseverance and effort. With stuff available to just buy, it feels meaningless and not worth getting at all

  14. As an EU citizen, I can’t wait for stricter regulations on these scummy business practices. It’s either that, or the AAA market is going to crash when massive consumer fatigue sets in. Not to mention that greedy stock holders demand profits so ballooned, something going to pop one day. Thank god for… old games?

  15. reмιlιa ѕcarleт

    It’s like Activision Blizzard, Bethesda and EA are in a race to become the worst publisher in 2018

  16. The wankers at Activision Blizzard strikes again, what a suprise

  17. Activision Blizzard maintains its loyal fanbase the way a drug dealer maintains his clientele of junkies. Create something really addictive and top of the line, release that first. Then, have them chase that dragon by releasing inferior products just similar enough to let them relive the memories of that first hit. Once they’re all hooked, the dealers start jacking up the prices and add more costs to bleed their junkies dry because they don’t see them as people anymore: they’re junkies.

  18. Hip hurray for Activision’s 20 percent drop in stock.

  19. *Do you guys not Have WALLETS!? **_Has entered the chat late_*

  20. Daniel Mercurio Jr.

    Blizzard: “Man dude, we sure are in a deep PR hole with the fans right now, with all our barely disguised cash grabs, I wonder how we can get out….”


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