Battle Royale Survivors: FortNOPE! (Direct To Video)

This one has welding masks as helmets, so you know PUBG Corp. ain’t gonna be happy.


  1. Do not collect my data


  2. i thought FortNOPE was ctf_2fort

  3. Truly a genre defining masterpiece

  4. I like that sight mechanic

  5. I can’t for this battle royale fad to die. Granted the next gaming fad will probably be worse.

  6. There's a starman waiting in the sky

    Everyone knows that is the true battle royale experience. Nothing compares to it.

  7. I kinda like the FoV cone.
    But the camera should be locked behind the PC and not affixed to north.
    Or at least allow for panning at the minimum.

  8. These games are so easy to review, because they speak for themselves so well and also so horribly at the same time.

  9. “I *AM* player!”
    Jim Sterling 2018

  10. The Diablo of Battle Royales

  11. 3rd person top down for a multiplayer shooter? who thought that was a good idea?

  12. Think the visibility cone is an interesting game mechanics. Add some more players, fix the broken camera and aiming and then you may have a decent game.

  13. Another settlement needs your help, I’ll mark it on your map

  14. Broke: Making a rushed cashgrab game to make a quick buck on steam
    Woke: Making a rushed cashgrab game to get Jim to notice you

  15. Truly the Dark Souls of Battle Royale.

  16. Not taking the bat means you are just axing for trouble

  17. I do like the concept of only being able to see people within the cone area. But other than that, this isn’t something I’d enjoy

  18. That field of view feature…in theory, it’s clever. In practice…I can almost guarantee you that it’s a client-side feature to hide players and objects, which means it would be simple to remove with hacks.

  19. “That was nightmarish and ghastly! Oh well… let’s go again.”
    Sums up Jim’s entire gaming experience on this channel.

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