Backwards hype video of TSM 2017 spring split roster


  1. gamingforthegirls draven

    I like it, more TSM banter pls!


  3. What does it say about BioFrost?


  5. I would suck the farts out of Bjergs MILF mom.

  6. As somone who’s been always pissed with TSM fans and their poor gameplay that makes me feel at home… I’m hater since season 2, someone understands me. No sweeter thing for a LoL fan than them losing, FUCK TSM yeeeeeeeeeeeah !

  7. lpl has the best memes

  8. Manorkruls Javier

    Prepare for the storm of salty TSM fans!

  9. it’s a good thing China can’t win shit either

  10. armin is on the verge of death and eats bertholdt’s spinal fluid and becomes colossal titan

  11. Best Team of NA boys and 4 aren’t even NA players. lol

  12. The standing in a corner to calm your thoughts bit got me hhh

  13. tsm never made it passed pools at worlds in all these years? lol

  14. damn even chinese people know NA sucks

    also Faker sometimes refers to his jungler as NA jungler is he is trash

  15. 4:57 Rough translation…

    kira_senpai: I can explain this phenomenon, other TSM members are coded as wards, meaning only Bjergsen can get hooked.

    seeker287: I give you 10 points for this explanation.

    Jieple: Yes, Bjerg and his four other officially approved wards.

    prowness: Very interesting, this is a significant nerf to the current TSM roster since wards can no longer block skillshots.

  16. Holy sht the chinese dont mess around with memes. Beautiful material 😀

  17. Even as a TSM fan, this shits hilarious

  18. those pictures at the end were pretty hot

  19. Léa Giffard Hontabat

    So funny ! Thank you for this video xD

  20. You have to be pretty salty to make an entire video of only misplays from a team. LOL

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