Assassins Creed Valhalla – Are These Vikings To Your Liking? (OMGH)

I maybe should have confirmed it was a cinematic trailer and not a useful trailer before committing my day to covering this nonsense.

Anyway, it’s a trailer for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, the latest Assassin’s Creed from Assassin’s Creed. It’s got vikings in it this time, from Viking Times.

#AssassinsCreedValhalla #AssassinsCreed #ACValhalla #Ubisoft #PS4 #PC #XboxOne #OpenWorld #Action #Trailer #Trailers #Games #Game #Gaming #JimSterling #OMGH #Hype #SeasonPass #Vikings #Norse


  1. you did this really fast. Impressed.

  2. Satyasya Satyasya

    AC Vikings, then?
    So, I guess the microtransactions and greedy manipulative practices/gameplay buggery will just be in norse this time? k, cool.

  3. This looks like a fanvideo for the series Vikings, right down to replicating the main characters to put in the longboats.

  4. Odin didn’t turn into a raven, he did, however, have two pet ravens (Hugin and Munin, Thought and Memory in English) who constantly circled around the world and told Odin what was going on.

  5. Between the Panels

    Relive the memories of your ancestors to find out where the ale is.


    The guy is actually an assassin creed the whole time.

  7. It should’ve been more like “Is this viking to your liking”

  8. Microtransactions: Valhalla

  9. Typical Ubisoft CGI reveal showing and revealing…nothing really to do with the game. Could be a For Honor DLC trailer.

  10. “We will speak to them in a language they will understand”

    Well if you have been speaking English to them all this time no wonder communication has been bad.


  12. I’m waiting for Assassin’s Creed: Chasing Trends. You start as a clout chasing TikToker and as you progress get new jobs, only to end up as a Ubisoft employee and working on a new Assassin’s Creed. It’s gonna be so meta.

  13. Remember when the first Assassin’s Creed got delayed. So they could fix some of the historical inaccuracies? I must have amnesia

  14. Assassin’s Creed: Vikings; A God of War story

  15. As a swede, hearing Jim butcher Norse mythology was hilarious.

  16. “This is a trailer reaction….. so there is this guy who wrote this book and burried it in the garden OH Its obiwan kenobi….anyway this channel its not for children OH OH NO NOOOO HE WAS ASSASSIN CREED THE WHOLE TIME…anywhoo when i was a kid.

  17. That little “they are heartless” bit at the beginning wasn’t about the game, it was about the AAA publishers.

  18. “Count Duckula? Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time…”

  19. Kratos: “Boy. I’ve been learning self control and constraint since arriving in this land.”
    Boy: “Father…”
    Kratos: “My point is we’re becoming assassins, boy.”

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