Air Traffic Controller tries to LEAVE the TOWER! Flight Sim X (Multiplayer)

An untrained air traffic controller in FSX multiplayer tries to leave the tower while on-duty at the Boston Logan Int’l Airport, but not before he makes a snarky comment towards my piloting skills which causes me to return to the airport and show him what’s up. Enjoy.


Outro: “Deserted” by J+1 –


  1. I love how serious he is

  2. first

    To like this comment cause no one else will

  3. *Snorts a line*

    Already know its gonna be a good video.

  4. Ethan's Train Vlogs

    Should do a video in Australia and try and get as many Aussies online and see what happens. It could go one of two ways.

    1. Calm and placid
    2. A Kangawallapossum gets launched in through the cockpit window

  5. whos here before 200k views?

  6. _zeta_

    eh wait…


  7. Radioactive Turtle

    I live in Boston, and so I can attest to the fact that this is indeed how ATC works at Logan.

  8. I was in this video. We weren’t playing flight sim. He joined the wrong teamspeak but we went along with it anyway

  9. Canadian Plane Spotter

    Actual ATC transcripts: “American 1337 request IFR to Portland, we have information Tango” seems legit. FSX transcripts: “Nobody cares”. Also seems legit.

  10. “Don’t sink”
    “Shut up”


  12. A Friendly Youtube Commenter

    “The only reason you’re in the air is because you were able to get there”

    LOL The FSX quote of the day right here

  13. A good ATC is as rare as an airforceproud video without a 747.

  14. I will be filing a formal complaint.

  15. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo Yankee Oscar Uniform Yankee Oscar Uniform Charlie Uniform November Tuesday Yankee Oscar Uniform Hotel Alpha Victor Echo Tuesday Oscar Oscar Mike Uniform Charlie Hotel Tuesday Igloo Mike Echo Tuesday Oscar Romeo Echo Alpha Delta Tuesday Hotel Igloo Sierra Golf Oscar Delta Oscar Sierra Oscar Mike Echo Tuesday Hotel Igloo November Golf Whisky Igloo Tuesday Hotel Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo Lima Igloo Foxtrot Echo

  16. “can you confirm that f-18 just struck the ground?”
    *rolls dice* – rolls 12 “yeah that f-18 is dead”

  17. tower please advise how do you like dem apples lol

  18. An airplane was flying from LA to New York. About an hour into the flight, the pilot announced,

    “We have lost an engine, but don’t worry, there are three left. However, instead of 5 hours, it will take 7 hours to get to New York.”

    A little later, the pilot announced,

    “A second engine failed, but we still have two left. However, it will take 10 hours to get to New York.”

    Somewhat later, the pilot again came on the intercom and announced,

    “A third engine had died. Never fear, because the plane can fly on a single engine. However, it will now take 18 hours to get to new York.”

    At this point, one passenger said,

    “Gee, I hope we don’t lose that last engine, or we’ll be up here forever!”

  19. *rolls dice*

    that had me rolling. ??

  20. As an actual Air traffic controller, I really want to buy this game just for the chance to run into you calling me up for an IFR clearance and blow your mind with realism that you wont even know what to say lol

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