17 Minutes of Mass Effect Andromeda: Peebee’s Loyalty Mission Gameplay (4K 60fps) – IGN First

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Join us as we accompany Peebee on her loyalty mission in Mass Effect Andromeda. This footage has been edited to avoid spoilers.

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  1. Jesus christ….what the hell is happening in the comments? I’ve played the previous trilogy at least twice and am absolutely stoked for this game. Everything they have shown looks great and haven’t seen this level of nitpicking for games like Horizon and Zelda. Just enjoy the game people and remember that this is just a game and does not have to be absolutely perfect.

  2. Is this the new Shrek movie?

  3. ‘Hey! Look! A door! If there were only some way to open it… Hmmmm… ‘ Is this really how far we’ve come in gaming?

  4. Since I genuiniely love Mass Effect I’ve tried to stay positive towards the new trailers and what we’ve seen from Andromeda even though I have had some doubts. I know that a lot of Mass Effect fans have loved to bash and give ME: Andromeda a really hard time before it’s even released (so maybe we shouldn’t judge it just yet). But now after seeing this gameplay, my minor doubts have turned into genuine concerns.

    This looks like a game directly aimed at a 10-14 year old audience. I had some issues with that from the previous trailers we’ve seen but I’ve always rationalized it for being because of bad trailers: that they pick up dialogues out from context. That they were poorly edited and etc.

    I have had some thoughts that all this game has is it’s technical abilities because that’s all they seem to want to market. How “good it looks” and “how many upgrade abilities”, “combat styles” and “different armors” and etc.

    However this close before launch I got to say that I’m deeply worried that this is the kind of gameplay they want to release. A short sequences that basically confirms all the minor doubts I had over this gaem

    I’m glad I didn’t pre-order it and now I definitely wont because my doubts have been confirmed. It’s like if you’re a Ghost Busters fan, then you should definitely not go see the new ghost busters because it will only ruin the old ones. I’ll patiently wait for some reviews and reactions from the Mass Effect community to drop in before I spend any money at all on this.

  5. Is this some kind of a reboot for a younger generation? It doesn’t exactly appeal to me, kind of booring….

  6. I couldn’t tell the difference between Ryder and PeeBee’s dialog (since they both have a dry wit about them) but now I see its PeeBee who does most of the talking and sounds like a teenager. Perhaps that’s how bioware wants it since she’s a young Asari.

  7. Remember kids, unless your characters are viscerally repulsive to gaze upon, that means you’re a sexist.

  8. I liked EDI’s sexy robot voice more.
    SAM sounds like a robotic fashionista: ” Those pants look fabulous.”

  9. So if you romance peebee will her first dialogue be “hey there little guy!”

  10. After seeing this I don’t think Bioware will be able to surpass their fellow rpg competitors CD projekt who are on another level completely by delivering the best game ever made.

    This game has no chance against Witcher 3, don’t think any bioware game will ever beat it.

    Hopefully cyberpunk 2077 releases sooner rather than later.

  11. Can anyone else understand SAM? Why is he so garbled?

  12. Main character’s face is still awful as hell

  13. Yeeeeeah, PeeBee is waaay too childish. I’m gonna find PeeBee’s voice files and deleted them. That’ll be my first MOD for the game.

  14. The dialogue sounds like something you’d hear out of a kid’s show, wtf is going on? This isn’t Mass Effect

  15. Lets take a moment to thank ign for saving us 60 bucks again.
    Thank you.

  16. I’m more concerned with Mass Effect now. The game tries to hold your hand, telling you how to do every little thing. The Asari is annoying. The dialog and voice acting is bad. Combat is full of bullet sponges.

  17. What is the age of the target audience? 12 years old?

  18. Oh Bioware, how the mighty have fallen. How did you manage to make the character animations AND dialogue worse than ME3?

  19. Please, please, PLEASE tell me we can kill Peebee.

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