Teke Teke

Check Out My WEBSITE!! ► https://markiplier.com/

Horror Outro ► https://soundcloud.com/shurkofficial/haunted
Happy Outro ► https://soundcloud.com/hielia/minimusicman-crazy-la-paint


  1. Anybody else notice how sometimes Mark seems to copy Seán’s (Jacksepticeye’s) videos (Or sometimes vice versa)? Like seriously do they coordinate this or is it just random occurrences of Mark seeing Seán’s video and deciding to do it and vice versa?

  2. Monopolist Capitalist

    Mark, Fear to Fathom has gotten a new episode hope to be seeing you playing it soon!

  3. I must not be the only one to notice the metamorphosis “manga” on that ipad and the touhou reference, the lil marisa on the bottom right

  4. 2:50 I can’t be the only one to realize that’s metamorphosis 💀

  5. markiplier and jacksepticeye playing the same games these days 😂

  6. 12:07 the Wildcat reference!! 💀💀

  7. “The wisdom in that old lady. Even if it’s an eldritch being. There’s a lot of years there”
    lol even if it’s an eldritch being.
    Eldritch beings are typically very old.
    They are often described as being older than time itself.
    They are not bound by the same physical laws as mortal creatures.
    They can exist outside of space and time, and they can travel between different dimensions.

  8. Damn, the nostalgia of seeing old creepypastas 🙂

  9. I’m convinced Mark is a paid actor. That turn to check behind him was too perfect.

  10. Digstreme McDingus

    If Teke Teke were real, Mark would let her attack him to see if he can handle both being cut in half and put back together

  11. OH MAN WAS THE THE INFAMOUS 177013 He- {Redacted} at 2:52

  12. Ok the fact that mark is experiencing lights being haunted and just recently, for absolutely no reason at all, my light in my room has begun to do just that, and everything about that light has been looked at, including it’s wiring even. Yet nothing has fixed it from the occasional ominous flickering of lights. It’s legit like a scene from stranger things when it flashes

  13. Master Baiter 🎣

    Jack played this

  14. hmm very suspicious book on the characters desk… i wonder what it is…

  15. Not gonna lie, the jump scare got me good.

  16. what happened to sons of the forest?

  17. You should play Beware, a spooky driving game

  18. “they say the name “teke teke” comes from her nails when she crawls on the ground. one night, a boy were walking down a street when he saw a really cute girl at a window. she got him into tallking with her. she asked him: have you seen my legs? the boy thinks it’s just a joke. and he took it as a joke. he says: no, silly. he blinks and the girl is suddenly right above him. he fell on his back and he didn’t even notice. there is no saying what happened next.. yet legend says she cuts everyone she sees in half.

    legend says she got cut in half by a train.. and the same train crushing her as she screams is the last thing you hear when she’s almost killed you.”

  19. 4:22: I used to walk late at night to either get home from work or go to the shops. Sometimes the street lamps would turn off one by one, before I got to them, and turn on again after I passed by. Not necessarilly supernatural but still weird enough.

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