What went wrong with Modern Warfare 2…

After 35 hours of gameplay already under my belt… i’ve come to a bit of a conclusion that something isn’t quite right with this game… but is it already too late to save it!?
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  1. Nice seeing you being balanced and respectful in this review. I like how you advocate for us the consumers on the amount of content that we get, thanks mate.

  2. AND GET RID OF SBMM! xD Its even more noticable with this game, so annoying, give me back the lobby’s from mw2

  3. Aren’t video games supposed to get BETTER? How is a COD released in 2009 10x better and filled with more content than a COD released in 2022 with all the advancements in technology and growth in the companies involved? It makes no sense. smh

  4. Nothing wrong with the game alot better than vanguard,all the cod community luv it too

  5. “I’m upset because I no life CoD and then unlock everything. Screw you Infinity Ward! This is all your fault!”

  6. the main issue is their have the idea that they have to reinvent the wheel… i just want classic cod gameplay

    MWII just makes me want MW2R multiplayer even more then i did before

  7. 4:49 they don’t want to make Call of Duty maybe not all the devs don’t want to but I would say a lot probably don’t. We rejected their jetpack ideas but those games whether you liked them still had that CoD in it + the old games all the devs have probably left I know a lot went with MW2 hence why it didn’t get fixed

  8. i wish the gunplay was more like CW (as in the guns not shaking so violently when shooting) and that Hardcore was in, also would love to see the music player be brought into MW with the og music from the older games that also adds to the round start/end music.
    The weapon levelling system is really confusing and the fact that some guns are so bad that you cant even kill someone you get the jump on is impressive

  9. its been such a great game. Why complain?

  10. Like you said, it feels like a beta. This new MW2 has a ui that is awkward and could do with a user manual. The party chat system is as buggy if not worse than MW 2019 was at launch. I want to like the game, the graphics are amazing but the game needs to be fixed before adding any new features.

  11. I’ll still play Black Ops Cold War than MW2

  12. I just don’t think they care anymore its almost as bad as Fifa no content past levelling look at advanced warfare people hated people loved it but the supply drops made it fun comparing to mates who got what and everything that came with it.

  13. it’s 2010 game

  14. It’s a 2 year game it’s what you crappy people asked for now get over your selves you wanted content though out the year you get what you asked for it’s Another great Cod title only people who suck complain all the time

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