The One Thing Millennials Did Kill (The Jimquisition)

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Millennials are blamed for the death of many things. This is because people love to talk nonsense. Millennials didn’t kill anything, they just can’t afford to support the things that need money to thrive. Like themselves.

There is, however, one thing millennials did mercilessly throttle. Fun. Pure, old fashioned fun. As they fight for Pokémon cards and PS5s, let’s look at the death of innocent enjoyments.


  1. As Jim Steph Sterling once said “bnlralalalalalalalalala bralalalalaalal blaghlahlagllalalalaala ALIEN QUEEN braglaghlalalaal”

  2. Max, a prettyboy

    I love toys, aliens and eating ass so this video started in a way that immediately intrigued me

  3. Jim is an international treasure

  4. “…many of whom do not actually have children themselves….”

    Hey, at least there’s a bright side here.

  5. As the De Beer’s CEO said about the diamond industry: “Diamonds are intrinsically worthless…”

  6. As a 30-year-old and someone who was born in the year 1991, this really speaks to me.

  7. Seeing grown adults fighting over children’s toys made me all nostalgia. Back when on Black Friday people would get in fight, trample, and even kill each other so they could buy little Timmy’s love.

  8. The whole time while watching this I’m thinking, “man, I’ve avoided all this by being poor. Hah! winning?”

  9. Titanius Fantasia

    “You don’t have to think of the children: they’re shitheads” James Stephanie Sterling 5/24/21

  10. I’ve loved Pokemon plushies since I was 5 and over 2 decades later that’s never stopped. I’ve still got my Maril plushie that’s old enough to drink now

  11. “A card! A card! My kingdom for a Pokemon card!” – Shakespeare probably

  12. coastercordell 2

    Boomers: Spent thousands of dollars on houses and cars in their 40’s
    Millenials: spent thousands of dollars on toys and games
    Zoomers (me): when we turn 40, we’ll still probably be spending thousands of dollars on furry art and fursuits

  13. I just wanna say that the new(?) outfit here is very cute.

  14. So the downfall of civilization is being brought about by a children’s card game? I guess Yugioh the Abridged Series was right!

    Also, maybe original Yugioh as well, but I wouldn’t know.

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