Muscles Of The Apocalypse (The Jimquisition)

The Last of Us Part 2 is a neverending nightmare of discourse, and the outrage hasn’t stopped. By far the most absurdly controversial aspect remains Abby, a character whose existence has been offered up for debate by weirdos.

Abby’s swole build has been called into question by a bunch of boys desperate to erase anybody who doesn’t fit into their tiny idea of what “real” women should look like. To do this, they’ve gone to amazing lengths to argue why Abby shouldn’t be muscular.

It’s an absolute roller coaster of nonsense, let me tell you.


  1. Kind of makes me think back to a conversation I was in where someone was arguing that Bethesda HAS to put online multi-player in Skyrim as though it’s a mandatory feature for every game. This was, of course, pre FO76. Devs make decisions. If you don’t like them, then don’t play their games.

  2. I hope Justin gets paid a bonus for putting up with Jim’s shenanigans

  3. “In this HardTimes article I will explain why Kratos couldn’t possibly exist in the God Of War cosmology…”

  4. Thats wrong boiy. The name you should say is Rasiston or how it’s spelled.

  5. I appreciate that the devs decided to go with a “form follows function” design for Abby, but I wish they’d also extended that to the other female characters in the game too.
    And instead of using a body builder as a model, it would have been nice if they’d gone for, say, a combat sport champion instead. Like the world champion female Karate master.
    They could have also gone with a pro mountain climber.
    To push this further, I kinda wish they’d do the same for male characters. Instead of always giving us massively muscle beeftanks, pick the body type of a person who does activities similar to what the character does in the game.

  6. 2:57
    Listen, I understand Sir Prissy Paints is soupoused to feel himself alot. But you didn’t need to go so hard as to trigger my bass stabilizers.

  7. “Grade A beef fortress.” Wonderful. Jesus, that’s so good.

  8. I must move in different parts of the Internet, haven’t heard a peep about TLOU2 for decades, it seems.

  9. If you don’t like muscly women that’s fine. But like its a game… Who cares?

  10. That sudden Randy Savage roar tickled my grundle.

    14:24 wait Rule 34 is inundated in Girlcocks. Forget the muscles, you can hit the roulette and your odds are 50/50 you’ll land on chicks with dicks. Chicks in many cases, that didn’t even have dicks previously…we would assume.

    What is this bending of reality? What is this delusion?

    Also, Also.
    Ellie’s missions really break my immersion, ironically enough. She’s so fucking scrawny. Even in the first game there was plenty of points that point out Joel is past his prime. Ellie fucks people up all day with those twigs until the plot needs her to take the L.

  11. How is Dwayne Johnson still ripped? There’s no zombies in real life.

  12. Fluid dynamics of a rubber ducky

    Didn’t play any of the the games. But I think the truth to this outrage lies somewhere in between. I can understand why some of the fans of the first game now hate abby just bc of the plot. Bc they grown to that charatcer and indentify with him as a father perhaps, but more thru him beeing a flawed charakter that didn’t rlly had any chance of an reparation arc. From what I’ve heared his death was deserved. Mb not by a golfclub but that is how they decided to kill him. This action didn’t do any good for abby. If she just shoot him in the head and didn’t pull that perverted revenge melee action mb more ppl could relate to her story imo

  13. I didn’t know there were actual people who really cared this much about arguing about Abby’s muscles I personally don’t care I enjoyed hearing you complain about those people since you do it in an entertaining way but honestly I kind of feel like last of us 2 is a dead topic in my head as in kind of bored of it.

  14. I guess this is proof that Sterling’s not heard of the Nut-Picking Fallacy.

  15. I love how people expect “females” to be “sexy” instead of being normal characters, it’s like forgot that women are humans, and therefore come in all shapes and sizes. It would honestly be more immersive if there were more body types in games in general, even the less appealing ones.

  16. “Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?”
    “No, have you?”

  17. If Fist of the Northstar has taught me anything then it is that the apocalypse makes people actually bigger and buffer. Also battle axes get back into fashion.

  18. Like… if “every woman” in “every game” had this “issue” then “maybe” I’d take these guys seriously. Note all the quotation marks I have to use there.

    But it’s not. Not even close. For the first time ever in Video Game history (and barley), we have women of all types, wearing all kinds of clothing. Skimpily dressed Women and regularly dressed Women. “Regular women” or “Curvy women” or “Muscular women”.

    Hell, women have more representation of body types than men… and even then, the scaling is eschewed so far in the traditional ideals of “beauty”. And doesn’t include the idea of race or gender identity.

    People are just straight up stupid. 2020 continues to confirm that. I try not to think that way, but I mean… the facts are literally the facts at this point.

  19. Its inspiring how much fun Jim has mocking idiots while wearing makeup.

  20. The Thirteenth Floor

    I mean, true, whining about how a woman is JACKED in a context that makes no sense is understandable, but that doesn’t mean women with muscles in general are bad. It’s about context, and I think a lot of the anger comes from the fact that Abby’s muscles aren’t necessarily “””realistic””” in terms of what the game has portrayed thus far (take a look at all of the other capable female protagonists in the game, from Ellie to Tess, Riley, Maria, Marlene, and so on). A lot of people conclude, perhaps rightfully so, that Abby was made utterly jacked simply for woke points without regards to any body-type precedent or narrative consistency thus far.

    That and Abby is just a bland, uninteresting, shoehorned-in character already, muscles or no muscles.

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