The Path, An Ionian Myth | Spirit Blossom 2020 Animated Trailer – League of Legends

Every myth carries a seed of truth. A slain swordsman must decide if he will make peace with his past—or be consumed by it.

Animated Trailer: Created in partnership with Sun Creature

Music by: Yutaka Yamada

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  1. Teammate: “You could have saved them”
    Yone proceeds to preserve his kda and questionmark ping spam instead.

  2. Yes, I love the animated trailers so much… The legends stories are coming together so good these days endless potential for storytelling, give me a feature-length already. <3

    • You think these trailers and videos are good? Wait until Riot has the balls (or desperation) to unleash the dam of lore they have built, holding back stories like the Watchers/Void, the ultimate goal and outcome of the Darkin, Mordekaiser and his imprisonment (and inevitable return), the Shadow Isles and what shall become of it, the big event Vladimir has returned from hiding for, and whatever darkness that lies ahead that Swain talks about and is preparing for.

  3. in yone’s trailer: looks like 4/1/2
    in game: 1/13/3

  4. _(Yone to Yasuo when they meet again be like)_

    Yone: Sadly I died…

    Yone: *_BUT I LIVED!_*

  5. Yone: *screams and gets a sudden power up

    Me: Yep this is officially an anime

  6. Yasuo: I still can hear his voice over the wind

  7. 0:44 the wooden figures have purple ethereal fluid coming from their heads. If the dreams of the world include the dead, Lillia might have more power than it appears

  8. Yasuo: I thought you died!

    Yone: *My death was highly exaggerated*

  9. LordTouchMe Sama

    When he took the demons sword, it started glowing ( 2:58 ) and it looks exactly like the sword in the water reflection in yasuos Spirit blossom splash art

    • Brandon Lee Cross

      You would also notice that the spirit lighting on yasuo is also on yone

    • I think it’s different as the reflection of Yasuo’s is a thicker sword, however I do think you’re onto something cos I think its meant to represent the swords that were made from the tree that Yasuo and Yone got in the story. So it makes sense they’d look similar.

    • @tehtayziez the spirit blossoms line represents the good what if with yasou and yone story, with yone didn’t get eaten by the demon and yasou found peace and having tea time with yone who is in the spirit realm that is why yasou smiling while looking at the water

    • Yasuo’s brother and yasuo have something that connects them? No…

  10. “He became Shura” (Sekiro Shadow Die Twice)

  11. 2:09 When you forgot to ping botlane that enemy midlane was missing.

  12. Pixelated Guy Yt

    Yasuo: Prepare for trouble!
    Yone: And make it double!

  13. I mean Lilia’s trailer was nice and all but this is another level of hype.

    • @Avisli No, Yone is coming back because he is now kept alive by merging with a demon. You could say that it was all a dream as it looked as if it were just a hazy dream towards heaven since Yone is supposed to be dead anyway, but then he fought that demon, he essentially refused to die.

      The fact that he won the battle against the demon, got corrupted by it, walked away from it all still alive, and is now corrupted by said demon? It wasn’t a dream if the battle, outcome, and aftermath had lasting effects on him.

  14. Announcer : “Welcome to Summoners Rift!”
    Yone : 0/1/0

  15. Yone: This is my brother yasuo
    Yone: He is… Adopted

  16. lillia: *exist*
    Hecarim and Neeko: We can explain
    Yone: *exist*
    Yasuo and Kayn: ………..

  17. Yasou: Prepare for trouble
    Yone: And make it double
    Yasou: To ignore all objectives and rush into a fight
    Yone: To feed the enemy team and arguing what’s right
    Yasou: To auto lock-in is what best for us!
    Yone: To show-off our Mastery and raged quit fast!
    Yasou: Yasou…
    Yone: Yone…
    Yasou: Team Cancer, blasts off again and gets all the fight!
    Yone: Surrender now, or prepare to lose your LP in a speed of light!

  18. What I understood:

    After Yasuo kills him, he arrives in what u could call a “heaven” (the good place after death). Altought, his attention is capted for the bad place, where he worst regret is shown – losing against his brother which resulted in Yasuo keeping is killing spree against those who try to fight him. Now he is possessed by is vengeful side looking for revenge against his own brother, Yasuo.

    • This isn’t so much heaven as it is a limbo of sorts. The spirit fox was trying to guide him to what could be interpreted as heaven when he deviated and followed a path of revenge after conviction.

  19. It’s funny because I wasn’t even thinking of the music, but visually the light and bright colours with the water on the ground and the flowers in certain scenes, or the washed out water colour type feel, it reminded me of the 2 Tokyo Ghoul openings and I think it might have been the second ending(?) – so this makes me happy

  20. Its in the genes

  21. thats not ahri tho :p

  22. yeah and it also give me some demon slayer vibes

  23. and he is using zoro’s two swords style

  24. Does that mean I should like it more?

  25. The music really struck me with this trailer, I was wondering if anyone has a method of listening to it by itself?

  26. @Rexy Nine tails, the same fox in the leaks…… DeFiNiTeLy kInDrEd XdDddDD

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