Pokémon Presents | 6.17.20

We know that’s a lot to take in, Trainers, but there’s still more to come! In the meantime, we want to hear from you—which are you most excited to play? 🤔


  1. Will Christianson

    I bet their new project is Pokemon: Clip your Toenails

  2. Me finds a shiny: pokemon smile
    It used explode!
    Me: pokemon frown.

  3. TheFallingFlamingo

    Pokemon’s problem doesn’t lie in the actual pokemon or the release schedule; the problem lies in the games competency. Aside from animation and slight changes to gameplay, Pokemon games are the same games they’ve been since introduction. The Pokemon company doesn’t attempt to follow modern gaming trends or push the hardware running the games, instead preferring to give customers the same tripe painted a new color. I’d love to see advances akin to the Legend of Zelda series or Mario, advances I’d argue one of the biggest and most recognizable IPs in the world more than deserves.
    Rather than attempting to broaden their potential pay-out and demographic, the Pokemon Company forces themselves into a corner. Developing games that disappoint lifelong fans and attract an audience that would probably buy the games any which way.

    • They already did try to push new grounds, it was called 5 gen it had +100 new pokemon and people took a lot of shit on them for it, that’s why we get insipid shit like SW/SH, the fanbase seem to like it more and it’s more profitable for them

    • Lockstin has older video back when the whole Nat. Dex “debate” was still a hot mess, he has a lot of great talking points and brings most up of these up at one point or another

    • @TheFallingFlamingo besides them cutting corners a lot in recent times i highly disagree with ur ridiculous take on changing pretty much everything is like ur missing the point of what makes pokemon well freaking pokemon lol if they want to try new things that’s fine that’s what things like the spinoffs are for the mainline games should be untouched at least when it comes to its core and if u don’t like it then u should just try something else pokemon prob isn’t for u anymore

    • TheFallingFlamingo

      @Daddy Feli What point are you trying to make, exactly? I didn’t suggest anything that would change the fundamentals of the core gameplay. What I did suggest was that they attempt to add realism and interactivity into the mix, which would have no negative affect on the collection, training, or other core aspects and only benefit them. The only base-line feature I think they could update is the battle system, FF7’s remake did a wonderful job showing what Pokemon battles could be like if they updated the turn based battle system.
      To say that decades old mechanics, designed at a time where hardware was a bigger design hurdle than gameplay, are what define the series is ludicrous and ignorant.

    • TheFallingFlamingo

      @bio logy That was my point in the original comment. They have a massively recognizable IP, arguably the most recognizable in the world, and they waste the potential pidgeon-holing themselves into a demographic that would buy anything they put out anyway.

  4. 2020: Pokemon Smile

    2030: Pokemon Taxes (Make taxes fun)

  5. I love how all the pokemon behind him are from Johto… I’m sensing a new Pokemon let’s go…. Johto!!!! And you see gold and silver on the very top shelf!!

  6. Me: *Preorders Paper Mario: The Origami King with all of my remaining money*

    Pokemon Direct: Not the wisest decision.

  7. Anyone gonna talk about how that Pidgeot just straight up murdered that Magikarp?

  8. “New Pokemon Snap” Good to see Nintendo naming conventions haven’t changed that much.

  9. “wailord has joined cafe as staff”

    “the cafe has been destroyed”

  10. Everyone: OMG GEN 4 REMAKES GUYS
    Game Freak: Brush your teeth first

  11. It looks like Pokemons going to *SNAP* back in to cinematography

  12. Me, a teen who constantly forgets to brush their teeth from staying up late in general: Oops time to get Pokemon Smile

  13. @Lumen stfu

  14. Son: Dad I want to brush my teeth
    Dad: Not until I get a lvl 100 pikachu

  15. Me attempting to get shiny charizard: **intense brushing noises**

  16. 6:12 Are we just going to ignore the fact that a Magikarp just DIED

  17. It’s time to start brushing our teeth till our gums bleed to get shinies bois.

  18. Them showing gameplay of sword & shield after pokemon snap just seems to emphasize how ugly sword and shield actually is…

  19. “This app is not intended to prevent or treat cavities, nor does it guarantee that players will gain a liking for toothbrushing or make it a habit.”

  20. But the kids wont know the difference 🙂

  21. @Ollie Haze Literally what is your problem

  22. They were low on budget

  23. @OFF-ROAD boi

    HA! Nintendo. Low budget.
    Congrats, man, best one I heard all week

  24. Ollie Haze Butthurt much?

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