False Advertising Vs. Narrative Subversion (The Jimquisition)

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Final Fantasy VII Remake is looking set to be one of the most controversial releases of the year – funny, considering fans thought it was a slam dunk. Unfortunately for those fans, FFVII Remake is something… unique.

A subversive take on a beloved RPG, Square Enix’s weird retelling of Final Fantasy VII is either cleverly written or deceptively advertised depending on who you ask. Maybe it’s both.

When is something ingeniously unexpected, and when is it just false advertising? As we discuss Final Fantasy VII Remake, Aliens: Colonial Marines, BioShock Infinite, and even The Last Jedi, we’re going to sort this all out. Or not. I might be lying.


  1. Jim seriously bringing TLJ discourse to his comment section has he gone mad

  2. Ivan El Machirulo

    I don’t like this era of remakes = %50 Cut-content, 30% re-write the history and 20% This is cannon now

  3. “Not anyone can become a great Jedi. But a great Jedi can come from anywhere”. – Master Ego.

  4. “… high on the fume eminating from its own rectum…”

    Imma steal this one.

  5. Randy Pitchford: They’re not lies, they’re magic tricks!

  6. 16:06 I was expecting Jim to say that Biggs looks like Charlie Sheen in the movie Platoon 😀

  7. “I swear to god, he turns himself into a cactus. It’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen.”

  8. “He turns himself into a cactopi, funniest shit I’ve ever seen”

  9. As someone that does deeply love kingdom hearts, i feel overwhelmingly sorry for this whole new group of people that now have to suffer through Tetsuya Nomura’s unending wave of utter bullshit.

  10. I swear to god, Nomura. He turned himself into a cactuar! He calls himself Cactuar Jim!

  11. Jim: “I’m a Cactuar now–”
    Me: *sits down with popcorn*

    [Video ends]
    Me: Why did I learn things from this, Jim? Why must you educate me?
    Jim: “–and Thank God for me, I’m a Cactuar now. Bye!”
    Me: . . .

  12. I’ll just say it since no one else has.

    A game can be good, and also falsely advertised. Just because people don’t care as much doesn’t mean this isn’t still true.

  13. I will always and forever respect and admire Jim’s willingness to call out Randy Pitchford’s BS even years later as it happened. The Sterling never forgets.

  14. 3:10 wait, there was a clone high reference in into the spiderverse??? (top left corner)

  15. So Yu Suzuki, Tetsuya Nomura, and Hideo Kojima walk into a bar…

    I’ll tell you the punchline in about 10 years

  16. “What’s the name of that guy? British… has a hard-on for me… he’s a cactuar now…”

  17. “Lying is okay as long as the result is still good”

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