Game Theory: The Lost Cult of Minecraft Illagers

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In my last Minecraft episode, I peeled back the mysterious layers of the Minecraft Illagers. In that, I talked about how the Illagers were looking to build their own Minecraft worlds – from portals to Steve himself. There was something else that I wasn’t able to cover in that episode, and that is how Minecraft Illagers relate to the history of what is known as cargo cults. 

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#Minecraft #Illager #Evoker #MinecraftTheory #MinecraftIllager #MinecraftEvoker #Enderman #Herobrine #CargoCults #Theory #GameTheory 

Writers: Matthew Patrick
Editors: Tyler Mascola, Danial “BanditRants” Keristoufi, and Dan “Cybert” Seibert
Assistant Editor: AlyssaBeCrazy
Sound Editor: Yosi Berman


  1. DailyVlogs YouTube

    Imagine if Jeb just put down the first stuff he thought of in the woodland mansion and there is no lore behind it

  2. Transgender Service Dog

    Theory: Vindicators have blue eyes because THEY were what came back when the evokers tried to create life using lapis and blue wool.

  3. What about Steve’s role in the lore, haven’t seen barely anything about him in official lore of Minecraft

  4. I like where this theory is headed, but there’s one major flaw in his theory: *the builders went through the portal but it sealed up behind them.*
    That detail has to be wrong, otherwise… wouldn’t the entire first theory about the endermen be just plain wrong?
    Curious. Very curious.

    • What if the old builders could go back though because they would have killed the enderdragon and if you think that they would not stay there well the wither would make them not want to come back and what if the wither could not go though the portal is there you go

    • @Hallelujah Lamb to repair your theory, the Pillagers are based on real world historical characters. the Arabians, they did the same things before the crusade. they conquered Egypt to reraid the pyramids. which the pyramids are known to be a maze full of traps some of them might have survived. so the Pillagers might have stumble in the stronghold, found remnants of the old builders, copied the looks of the end portal, gave it to their Evoker brothers, and made a cult about it.

    • @Nathan Jerielle Well okay, but Pillagers were added both after the strongholds and after Evokers with their cults. Not only that, but Pillagers have little to do with Vindicators and Evokers, as they are merely another type of soldier when attacking villages.
      Besides, if you stumbled upon a bizarre object hidden in a stronghold, what reason would you have to replicate it? There’s no motivation to do so, and no context of how it works or who used it. This is solved with the idea that the Illagers saw the old builders enter the portal, but it doesn’t make any sense that Pillagers specifically saw an inactive portal on its own and made an entire cult based around it.
      Besides, where’s the proof that Pillagers are based off of anything? They are merely generic pillaging mobs that raid villages and nothing else.
      Really, this “repair” only adds more problems.

    • Team CYBR Reactions

      Maybe a few (or just one) stayed behind to seal the portal behind them before eventually dying.

  5. Vindicators have lapis in their heads, that’s why they have blue eyes.

  6. If we’re the creators that they want back so bad, then why do they ATTACK US

  7. When you finish this series you should make a video about the timeline putting all these videos in the order that the events would’ve taken place.

  8. I think I might have a theory about the Vindicator’s eyes. Since every other Illager had to have come from the Villagers, their eyes are green like theirs. However, the Vindicator’s eyes are blue. Vindicators hold axes, one of the fundamental tools needed to ‘mine’ and ‘craft’. I was thinking that the Vindicator is a ‘failed’ Steve that can wield an axe, and his eyes turned blue just like Steve’s eyes.

  9. Memelord Catwoof Dogmeow


    Mattpat: write that down. Write that down!

  10. Phoenix Henderson

    “not gonna go past the 10 minute mark”
    this video is almost 12 minutes long

  11. 2:30
    given that the mojang team specifically added the lines “removed herobrine” to several of their update notes, they effectively made herobrine official, whether they initially meant to or not.
    by acknowledging it’s existence, they’ve officially materialized it.

  12. Big Theory:

    But if the ancient race of builders came out from the End why would they escape back to the End from the wither if they know they can’t return to overworld without defeating the dragon?? Or why didn’t they defeat the dragon in the first place??How did they bring crafting recipes of beds and such if they came from End as there is no such materials in the End. Side note beds explode in the End so they wouldn’t have them in the first place. Or maybe they existed before the dragon? And somehow found an egg and created End crystal henceforth hatched the dragon by sacrificing the portal to the overworld. Or there could be a chance that they originated from the End and created a portal to the overworld and from crafting recipes and came in contact with villagers. As wiki states that emeralds are one of the chest loots, so does that mean they travel between the worlds before they created the wither and escaped into the End and created the dragon to rival the wither but instead trapped themselves in the End?? But even so, if they really can travel between the worlds and bring materials with them like players do to different dimensions, as wiki states once again that brewing stands and ore based amour and tools are one of the chest loots, and stuff that can only be made from obtaining certain materials from nether and the overworld. So why doesn’t the both of these dimensions have a signal trace of End materials if they truly can travel between the worlds with materials they collected like players????

    • Perhaps the portal is only a 1 way portal, and that the place they came from wasn’t the place they went to the second time they went through

  13. I don’t know…
    This has some holes.
    I can see the parallels with a Cargo cult, but I feel like the “deity” is misidentified.
    Particularly, you’re referring to the Illagers and such, but also keep in mind that the villagers *can* craft and all. Cartographers make proper maps, Shepherds *can* make actual beds, and all the various other villagers craft wares to trade.
    Not only that, but they absolutely recognize any less intelligent villagers a la “nitwits”.

  14. Motivational Lizard

    Minecraft mob villain: ‘tries to make a end portal’
    Also Minecraft mob villain: *TNT*


    Needs to be in your last comment

  16. Minecraft: *exists*

    Matpat: *makes minecraft theories*

    FNAF: *exists*

    Matpat: *forgets minecraft and does fnaf theories*

    Mojang: _I see we have a new challenger._

  17. @Galaxy_ Curse their verbosity!

  18. 8-year-old everyone: *Scared of Herobrine*
    Everyone now: Cave noises give me nightmares

  19. The legend has been spoken. He need to rise

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