[NEW HERO – COMING SOON] Echo Origin Story | Overwatch

Introducing Echo. An evolutionary robot programmed with a rapidly adapting artificial intelligence, Echo represents the cutting edge of technology.


  1. McCree: They need you.
    Echo: You are two years too early.

  2. echo literally has a different voice everytime

  3. It took so long for her to be released because McCree just left her in the D E S E R T

  4. “her echo”

    my Amazon Echo: I didn’t quite catch that

  5. Hey echo, what’s the weather?

    “Sorry I don’t know that one”

  6. Update!! Overwatch: Echo Released!!
    Next update… Echo has been nerfed.

  7. Александр Каликин

    Dunno why this gives me nice Blade Runner 2049 vibes.
    To me everything about this clip is perfect. You can remove the video component but story will not change. Imagine you’re watching it first time with your eyes closed and your mind will produce similar scene to what you’ve seen. That’s how important audio alone is. That’s top500 Blizzard’s storytelling quality.

  8. Diamondrati Hakasya Seno Adji

    Echo : “I’ll just relax here, and let Yokai do the rest.”

    woops wrong echo

  9. Dude, that memory flashback with soldier was incredible

  10. Overwatch: *Releases new hero*

    Me: **WInDoWs sHutDown nOIses**

  11. 0:35 “they had every reason to doubt me” is followed by the ‘Echo,’ “Doubt me”
    0:46 “and only Overwatch believe” is followed by a faint echo of “in me”
    Cool that they added Dr.Lio’s thoughts being ‘Echoed”

  12. Rule 34 artists after watching this:

    “There are 14,000,605 possible images”

  13. We got Sigma, and now we got Echo.
    I’m just gonna sit in a corner and wait for Alpha, Delta and Epsilon to arrive.

  14. Now introducing the Legacy Promise Amazon Echo

  15. You made my day

  16. too bad she is literally capable of becoming sombra

  17. maybe they’ll use her to balance sombra js

  18. This may have made my day

  19. Bonniespots14 dang, that sucks.

  20. lovebabygirl.link/VqtXl0rp4nUs

  21. lovebabygirl.link/v9Pldtcohvcs


  23. Broken damage-

  24. _ay leggo my eggo-_

  25. Then Wall-E is a humanoid version of Bastion

  26. Man you stole my comment >:(

  27. she is a dps

  28. Oh dang, now I’m considering shipping Echo and Bastion!

  29. Bethany Elise same lol

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