It’s Just A Game (The Jimquisition)

Influencers are like proper celebrities now, so we have to listen to everything they say.

Ninja is an influencer, and he has plenty to say. Recently the Mixer Man caused a fuss by extolling the virtues of anger and deriding the notion that a videogame is “just a game.”

This sparked up the age old Hardcore Gamer debates, and I’ve got bugger all else to do this week, so let’s talk about competition, attitudes, and Cucumber Succulence!


  1. “You shouldn’t be upset about losing.”
    “There is always room for improvement.”

    These ideas are not mutually exclusive. You can get over a loss (easily) and still believe that you could get better. I lean towards the “hardcore” side of the spectrum; I love the feeling of improvement and I’m always striving to improve. However… no matter how “hardcore” I am about playing my games, there’s always going to be people better than me and if I took every loss so seriously I would have had a mental breakdown 10 years ago.

  2. “Billy Mitchell was so desperate to be the best, he wound up cheating in the end.”

    In the end? Billy basically started his whole career cheating. In basically every game he set ‘records’ for. And he got away with it because of the former owner of Twin Galaxies was his co-conspirator. That’s the reason why all of Billy’s “records” were scrubbed everywhere, not just because of something like a “tough esports moment”.

  3. When did ninja become more attractive than Jim? I think I missed something

  4. Ninja: “Getting angry after losing makes you better.”

    Shroud: “Lol, okay dude.”

  5. Can we just flash forward a few years to the gratifying “Where are they now?” piece on this guy that talks about how he squandered his Twitch fortune and is living out of a van?

  6. Did Ninja lose to a 9-year-old in Fortnite when he said this or something?

  7. ChampionBidoofTrainer Yant

    I thought I was watching a “Down the rabbit hole” episode there for a minute.

  8. “His livelihood is tied up into being very very good at Fortnite.” Sounds like a curse… I would even say “poor guy”, were it not for him being stinking rich.

  9. “The biggest difference between a novice and a master is that the master has failed more times than the novice has tried.” -Korosensei

  10. “As near as I can tell American football is a game in which people stand around waiting for their turn to fall over.”

    R O F L!!!

    Nailed it!

  11. I enjoyed Cucumber Succulence. Also, I’m in my early 30’s and can confirm: I have no idea what’s going on or how things continue to go on while everyone else seems just as clueless

  12. “More like a nonja. Terrible what passes for a ninja these days.”

  13. “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.”

  14. real ninjas: “Good – we’ve finally been able to conceal ourselves from the prying eyes of the retched Google Search.”

  15. I still feel like this is the annual “Hot Ninja Take” tweet that is designed to stir up controversy and keep his name trending. There is usually one every few months and they always seem to pop up when after most people have stopped talking about him. This is probably me being conspiratorial but I would not be shocked to find out he has a PR guy who tells him when to make a hot gaming take.

  16. He’s got it backwards, and that makes him a bad influence. Someone has to lose in any multiplayer, getting angry about it is pathetic. If you have a “I should always win” mentality, then you should stick to singleplayer games where that is possible. 99% of players btw do not get paid from paying games like he does. We pay to play them. So it’s not logical to get angry and stressful from them as if they were jobs. People need to stop listening to streamers as if they’re important, represented you, or that their rage is normal behavior.

  17. This is easy for him to say when he’s being PAID MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO PLAY A GAME!!!!!

  18. Jim : introduces new character Cucumber Succulence

    Me: well, it’s not his French aristo character, but it’s definitely not a challenging wank.

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