The ESA Is A Big Piece Of Shit (The Jimquisition)

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The Entertainment Software Association represents the “AAA” game industry’s interests in the US, and that alone qualifies it for side-eyes. Its recent pitch for E3 2020, however, is stunning in its awfulness.

So let’s discuss the ESA and why the increasingly irrelevant E3 is set to become downright dreadful in the future.


  1. So if you want to go to E3 you will need a fake I.D and a burner phone to protect yourself from their incompetence

  2. I feel the thing fell apart the moment they mentioned “influencers”. It’s by far the worst term in recent years.

  3. E3 2020: ESA propaganda, i mean quality information oops

  4. The Therapist Gamer

    I’m glad you roast the new E3, Jim, because heaven’s knows the influencers aren’t going to!

    I’m surprised more companies haven’t left E3 sooner. Microsoft must have payed several million dollars to pull together their press event in 2013, and all it got them was universal scorn. Interestingly, if memory serves, Nintendo didn’t attend E3 all those years ago for the same reason that Sony didn’t attend this year – they had nothing to show. By the way – isn’t Phil Spencer, the head of XBox, also on the board of the ESA?

  5. I was very confused, that Jim would talk about the European Space Agency… especially in this negative way!

  6. Those Wii Music videos still make me cringe to this day.

  7. Jim, you’re not old and they’re not new. Shills have been around and the preferred mode since before regulatory action on commerce to try curbing abuses. No greater and more easily exploited stupidity than “it worked for me. You should try it too.”

  8. If you demand “credit” or acknowledgment for it, then it isn’t charity. It’s a transaction.
    Charities that do real good are getting to be fewer and fewer as well.
    God, I hate being this cynical.

  9. Hey, Jim. I dig your new purple logo, but–and I say this by way of constructive criticism–I find your new flickering backgrounds to be really hard on the eyes (i.e. causing eyestrain to the point where I need to look away from the screen) by comparison to the static backgrounds in previous episodes of the Jimquisition. Just my two cents, though. Keep up the great work on the show, good sir!

  10. More people should play up that the data leak was ESA’s fault.

  11. Our champion, Jim Sterling. Please continue to slay corporate dragons.

  12. Funny Valentine Did Nothing Wrong

    “Power of Social Good”
    “Control content and the message”
    La li lu le lo. La li lu le lo.

  13. They want 10k more people for E3 2020. I don’t know what’s worse. The fact the ESA wants 10k more people for 2020 when the venue reportedly couldn’t handle the amount of people that were there in 2019.
    The fact that they want 10k more people when they can’t guarantee the safety of the people who attended previously. They couldn’t protect however many people’s information, so let’s 10k more people’s information to our watch.

  14. “YouTube’s algorithm doesn’t like my show in general” gets top 20 on trending on YouTube gaming

  15. Keanu Reeves also worked because he was involved in the game and appears to be quite taken with the whole game too, not merely appearing in it, actually enjoying it as much as he would if it were a pet project of his own. There are a few people, that developer woman who recently left would be one example, of people who are involved in a game (or a game company) and seem to actually love working there and excited about what they are talking about (and, just as importantly, not talking about things if they aren’t genuinely loving it). Someone who just did some voice work doesn’t work.

  16. This is the first Jimquisition video that showed up on my home page. Apparently, leaning into the swearing is working.

  17. Jim: Youtube algorithm won’t like this video

    Youtube algorithm: sends me this video after months of not seeing Jim on my feed

  18. Jim, when people look back and see the point in time when these corporations were defeated, I hope you’re credited appropriately.

    You’re really driving the point home consistently and more and more people are catching on. Don’t stop.

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