Just Cause 4 – The Sandbox Is Full (Jimpressions)

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Just Cause 4 is another Just Cause game, and that’s okay if you like that sort of thing. I theoretically should like that sort of thing, but the game repeats itself and lacks escalation.

Plus, it’s time for the industry to admit that maybe the open world genre is overly crowded and that if you’re not going to give a game an obscene budget, a smaller scale might work better.


  1. Holyshit. This game is out?!

  2. I never have the imagination to have fun in these games.

  3. Did you see the new Obsidian game?! They just made a fool out of Bethesda xD

  4. I thought 4 was a step back from 3 and is full of bugs and poor performance

  5. Appreciate your video game insights Jimbo, keep it up sexy boi :3c

  6. Just Cause Just Cause jUST cAUSE jUST cAUSE

  7. Idk just cause two started with you pulling a car out of a ditch and ends with you riding a nuclear missile into a submarine

  8. Lack of ammo makes this frustrating but I’m having fun sending tanker trucks into orbit with infinite boost and balloon grapples.

  9. They hired Tabata just to put in that shitty nauseous motion blur effect. It makes me phisically ill.

  10. Also the PC version is a dumpster fire 🙁

  11. BrightBulb Photography

    Just cause you can. Does not mean you should.

  12. Just Cause, i feel like, is what everyone was doing after finishing the main story of a GTA, going apeshit, trying all the cheats you can, causing havoc.

  13. In Just Cause’s defense the game isn’t really trying to be GTA competition. They have found a formula(pure chaos over the top action and jetpacks) that resonates with their target audience. Personnally i would play this over GTA any day just for the hilarity of the whole thing. I love the freedom and the explosions. But that IS just my opinion

  14. The JC game(s) strike me as something you play between other games when you just want some largely mindless action for a bit.

  15. Extra Credits was talking about “B” games a while ago, I think that this game is one of those games, Red dead is like a nice steak, and just cause is like a good cheeseburger

  16. I’m a bit of a just cause fanboy. I completely understand the complaints and flaws of the games but i just find it so fun, especially when you get really experimental with the mechanics and this game gives you even more possibilities. This genre overall definitely needs to either, stop saturating the market with endless open world games or drastically improve the games, especially red dead redemption 2 have set the bar so high for the genre.

  17. Mad Max 2. Plz make it happen, Avalanche Studios.

  18. Just cause 4 feels very lazy, they replaced all the challenging wingsuit activities with just 3 rings you easily fly through in like 8 sec, same with vehicle activities

  19. Fernando Lasso de la Vega

    While the games can be a bit of a slog sometimes. There’s just something to be said about a game where you have so much freedom of motion, where you can either hijack a plane or wingduit your way to destination, or hop on a car and just admire the view on your way there before you get distracted, bump into a police vehicle and start a cross country chase.

  20. I love 2, but they’ve basically released the same game three times now, with minor improvements.

    Just mirrors the whole gaming industry, really. It’s so incredibly creatively bankrupt right now. Just sequels, remasters or established IPs to a fucking ad naseum. (And yes, this includes fucking Smash, which is basically a mega-remaster of the Wii U game, which itself is just a refinement of the GC game.)

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