Cinematic: “Lost Honor”

A prisoner within the heart of the Alliance seat of power, Varok Saurfang is confronted not only by King Anduin Wrynn, but the choices that lie before him.


  1. 8.4: Siege of Sylvanas

  2. BFA has a lot of problems, but their art, animation and music team is always producing stellar work.

  3. Anduin – ” Why did you spare my life?”
    Saurfang – “Your father once spoke of honor, he showed compassion for me to take my son after the Northrend Campaigns. True signs of an honorable warrior…Father…”
    Anduin – ” I didn–….
    Saurfang – “You didn’t need to know boy…”

  4. For those trashing Saurfang for conspiring with the Alliance, you have to realize that he is deeply ashamed for the night elf genocide. He’s still loyal to the true Horde, but an unspeakable evil was committed against the Alliance, and he feels that the Horde must atone.

    This is why he told Zappy Boy that there would be no honor in defending the Undercity. They weren’t fighting a hated enemy this time. They were fighting people who were massacred by a cowardly and dishonorable act, and had every right to seek vengeance. If innocent Horde lives weren’t on the line, he probably wouldn’t have fought at all.

  5. Make the Horde Great Again – Varok Saurfang


  7. I’m pretty sure no one else will bother commenting on Anduin’s eye pupils so I will.
    The fact that they even animate how the pupils change in the light and in darkness, is purely amazing.

    On the other side, is it just me or does Anduin looks younger in that cinematic? Blizzard come on! :O

  8. i wouldnt mind if blizzard releases a 12 month duration film ..dont care if it sizes up to 10 terabytes…ima watch it.

  9. Boy if Blizzard would ever make a World of Warcraft movie by their cinematic department.

  10. Oh cool, we finally get to see the Alliance side of things! I wonder how Tyrande and Mal- annnnd we’re back to Saurfang again…

  11. this is prob what the movie should’ve looked like, no beef with duncan doe

  12. Please milord, the farmers of Westfall cant take another conscription!

  13. Anduin: “Why didn’t you kill me?”
    Saurfang: “Could do, you know.”
    Anduin: “Weird flex but ok.”

  14. Where is the war from Sylvanas’ point of view? Please don’t be trying to make her Garosh 2.0.

  15. I miss Varian, but I love Anduin so much. His daddy would be so proud… and also incredibly mad at the same time. Lol.

  16. Wouldn’t be surprised if the boy king and grumpy orc are being manipulated by the shiny gem in the sky or old god related, and Sylvanas is just super woke.

  17. Evacuate the city,
    engage all defenses,
    and get this Orc his Horde back.

  18. Two dudes bonding over being burned by the same chick. A classic bromance tale!

  19. I want an entire TV show like this ?

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