Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – It’s Grindy, It’s Greedy, It’s Ubisoft! (Jimpressions)

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is one damn greedy game. In addition to its half dozen special editions, its Amazon Alexa tie-in, its Totino’s promotion, and its season pass, it’s filled to the brim with microtransactions. As well as all that, it’s been purposefully turned into a grindfest in order to sell XP boosters, like this is some free-to-play mobile game. 

Fee-to-pay games are back in a major way.


  1. I like how just by having two dialogue choices (i.e. I accept quest or I don’t have time for that right now) makes a game an RPG.

  2. Jim is the only reviewer I trust. I’ve watched a few other reviews and they didn’t really mention any of this shady shit. Ubisoft has more EA seeping into their DNA, every year.

  3. Ganymede, Jupiter III

    “Assassin’s Creed is a good franchise”

  4. I have no issue with skins at all and its a great way to make extra cash without impacting the game BUT that time saver fuckery where the game is designed intentionally shit to force you to buy to skip just to get through the game at an enjoyable pace is MTX I can not get behind.

  5. If you grinding from a little side quests in this game, you’re not doing it right. The only way you can level up your character faster than anything else you do in this game is to do a Conquest mission. All you gotta do is pick up a contract quests on notice board in that nation and do a conquest mission if it happens. You need to seize the nation because you get more exp than defend the nation. and fast travel to another nations where Conquest mission is available. if Conquest mission is not available, all you gotta do is go kill a leader of that nation and loot nation treasure chest in that nation fort and it will trigger a Conquest mission. you will gets 2 pieces of epic gears and a shit ton of exp and money from conquest mission. dismantle your useless gears to get more components to upgrade your current gears and pay off your bounty because you gotta deal with a lot of mercenaries since you need to kill a nation leader to cripple nation’s strength, and that’s it. and repeat the same shit over and over. I’m playing this game since October 1 and i already max my character at level 50 in 25 hrs, no boosting.

    EDIT: All and all, i hate that Time Saver in Helix shop since Unity because if you want to save players time, why not adding cheats ? you know, like a good old days.

  6. Hrm, I’m about 18 hours or so in, and I honestly never even looked at the store until you mentioned it here. It does feel grindy though if you try to go straight through the main story, I was hoping to skip some side stuff, but it feels like you can’t really, which bothers me. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy side stuff, but I don’t like it feeling forced in order to do the main story. That being said, still having fun with it, and will keep playing.

  7. im all on board for shitting on microtransactions and stuff but i haven’t found the game grindy so far, maybe i just haven’t hit the wall yet? if anything it feels less grindy than origins to me so far.

  8. All right, very unpopular opinion around these parts of youtube it seems, but all the greedy shit and special editions aside, I’m having a blast with the game itself personally, and I haven’t bought any boosts or the likes from the store. I’ve spammed Origins for 2 weeks and just finished it last week while doing every single thing there is to do in it and I also loved that game. And for people saying I buy every single assassin’s creed. The last & ONLY assassin’s creed I ever played was actually the very first one, and that was released a decade ago. I haven’t even played Blackflag and that is considered a very good one in the series by most people. I much prefer the heavy RPG route it’s taking. Before you say anything else, I can name you all the ubisoft games I’ve ever bought right here : Assassin’s Creed the original, FarCry 3, Rainbow Six Siege, The Rayman games, Assassin’s Creed Origins & now Odyssey. You can see that I have very few of ubisoft’s recent titles. I have the edition with the season pass for Odyssey, none of the other bullshit editions with items & such.

  9. *If you want to know the truth about what happened to “Assassin’s Creed”, read this please* : During the development of AC Brotherhood, Ubisoft approached Patrice Desilets (the maker of AC and a worker at UBI since PoP 1) to demand yearly releases for AC since it was selling very well (10m copies AC1 – PoP 3m) Patrice, working in Gaming out of passion and not greed, refused. The result was that they fired him after 20 years of work.Every other AC that came after AC Brotherhood felt “different” or “lacking” something and that’s SOUL, that’s what it’s lacking. Patrice went on to his own studio, working on a spiritual successor to AC called 1666: Amsterdam (there is a YT trailer) but guess what happened, UBI bought his studio and acquired the IP then fired Desilets. It was a threat to AC since it was made by the man who brought their cash cow to life. It took years of legal battle to get the assets back but now they are outdated and UBI has sunk its teeth too deep in AC’s neck to change anything about it. AC 3, AC 4, ROGUE, UNITY etc, they’re NOT CANON. They’re either spin offs or shadows of the true AC. Before you say that it’s just an opinion, the ORIGINAL author was fired. Imagine Game Of Thrones without George RR Martin. How would that be? Oh wait no need to imagine, just go watch the show post George’s direction. It’s being called bad fanfiction, that’s what AC post Ezio is, FANFICTION. The original author was ousted, with him went Jasper Kyd, Jade Raymond and so on. Every other AC that came after Rev was an amateur chef trying to replicate the recipe as right possible. Yet they all miss the point, it’s not about the profit or the rentability it’s about the process, the passion, and that is gone with Desilets.

  10. I listen Jim… You’re doing what this game industry really needs before its too late.

  11. What I don’t understand is in Assassin’s Creed you are meant to be playing the memories of the character.
    Why would you be able to CHOOSE your response? Why should you be able to change the sexual orientation of the character? If you chose the wrong one the game should end because the character has no memory of being that way and therefore you’re breaking the timeline surely?

    I remember in the earlier Creeds where the game would state “Altair did not kill innocents” and would warn you that synchronization would break upon doing it more. So why would making your apparent historical character do something they did not do count?

  12. It’s pretty good tho…

    EDIT: The game itself is* The issue with Ubisoft isn’t the devs, it’s the corporates forcing devs to stuff their games with MTX.

  13. *P R I D E A N D A C C O M P L I S H M E N T*

  14. Support Spider-man, God of War or Horizon Dawn instead

  15. I will probably just pirate it. If they use a F2P business model, I will treat the game as F2P.

  16. In my opinion the saddest part is that people are gonna buy this shit game anyway because “it’s fine”. It doesn’t hurt you like SW Battlefront 2 (the shitty one) or Shadow of Mordor (the shitty one).
    And after all, it’s only 60$…it’s not like that kinda cash could get you A Hat In Time, Hollow Knight AND Enter The Gungeon.
    But since it’s plastered all over the store front of every retailer, both physical and digital, and looking for way better Indie Games is apparently too hard for a majority of “gamers”, most people won’t even bat an eye.
    I’m so sick and tired of this kind of business behaviour, but I’m actually MORE appaled by the “gamers” that still buy this garbage because in the end the game “is fine”.
    If you buy this kind of rip-off and still claim you are “a fan of games” or even say that you “wish games would be as good as in the old days” you can quite literally fuck right off! I have absolutely no sympathy, empathy or acceptance for those kind of people!
    The fault here is not on Ubisoft or EA or Activision – it’s solely on YOU! You keep spending money on this shit, despite knowing better. You keep giving them reasons to produce these abominations!
    And yet you are the ones complaining about not getting another game like Banjo Kazooie, Morrowind or Battlefield 2. If you do this, you are simply disgusting and stupid!

  17. Ubisoft be like:

    Assassins creed : normal edition ($60)
    Assassins creed : player choice edition ($80)
    Assassins creed : skip the grind cuz we made it Grindy edition ($120)
    Assassins creed : just pay a lil bit more edition ($145)
    Assassins creed : we just checking if people will actually buy this editions ($160)
    Assassins creed : “Wow u actually paid that much for a video game edition” ($175)
    Assassin creed : “Holy shit gamers will buy about anything edition” ($190)
    Assassins creed : “OK just give us money edition” ($250)

  18. Lmao thank you for mentioning the weird sexual advances that most “AAA” games have for “romance options”

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