PIZZA DELIVERY SIVIR | Summoner Showcase Episode 139

Happy April Foods Day! Birdio is the best skin – don’t @ me.

Today’s Showcase is all submissions from creative Summoners like you! We’ve got some Pizza Delivery Sivirs for your April Foods needs, an excellent Katarina cosplay, and one of the largest submissions we’ve ever gotten on the show: a 5’ x 5’ Star Guardian Poppy painting! It’s so big!

Send it to us in the comments below, reach out to us on Twitter, and use #SUMMONERSHOWCASE so we can see your posts and submissions!


The Team:

Riot Swimbananas – Riot Recruiter by day, Summoner Showcase host by night! Also, Tidepod™
gomatgo – Producer, Show Runner, Director, Jhin main
Riot Jynx – Producer, Creator Support Programs, cosplay mama, lazy egg


Q: When does the Summoner Showcase release new episodes?
A: Summoner Showcase releases every other Friday on YouTube and Facebook. So twice a month-ish. Sometimes we put up an extra video during exciting events like PAX, but we don’t have those planned out too far in advance.

Q: Can I submit stuff in the YouTube comments?
A: You can TOTALLY suggest creators or content in the comments on YouTube! Sometimes the platform likes to remove or clip links, and sometimes submissions get eaten by the machine. Facebook just supports those types of links better.

Q: Is my art/craft/cosplay/tattoo/thing good enough for the Summoner Showcase?
A: If you made something about League, you’re good enough. Quality is great, but passion reigns supreme.

Q: Who is Mel?
A: Mel’s been at Riot for two years working full time in Recruiting. She also leads player tours on campus and friggin’ loves fan art and doing her own cosplay so we chose her to host the new show! She’s great. Just, just great.

Q: Can I tell artists their art is bad? I’m just telling it like it is. You have to be open to criticism!
A: Artists and cosplayers are open to constructive criticism if they ask for it. Summoner Showcase is a showcase of creations, not a call for critique.

If you want to give someone feedback on their art, cosplay, creations, etc, think about how you’d like to be told feedback before giving it. You’d be surprised at how much words hurt. Don’t be that person. Also, we delete bullshit comments.

Q: I have a suggestion for/opinion about the show! LISTEN TO ME!!!!!
A: Post it in the comments! See criticism rules above. Let us know what you’re feeling and we’ll try to address it!

Q: Where’s Nika?!
A: Nika left Riot a while back and the original Summoner Showcase ended.

Q: Where’s ALL Chat?
A: Unfortunately, ALL Chat ended in December 2016. We loved the show. Mat was one of the producers on the show! But it was sent to a farm upstate to live a happy life with a nice old man in a rocking chair who whittles tiny soap carvings of Hecarim. Real talk, it was hard to iterate/change the show with such a rigid structure, so we pulled out the segments into individual shows to focus on them each separately.


  1. I want a pizza riot

  2. Azir skin with bird is good than birdio

  3. its nice :0

  4. Seeing this again suddenly reminded me of Nikasaur

    Oh the good ol times

  5. League of Legends Community

    Pizza Delivery Sivir is my favorite thing since sliced bread.

    Wait… – Riot Swimbananas

  6. good clip if you can
    I’m following you already

  7. I’m still waiting for star guardian riven

  8. New head canon confirmed by a Rioter! Jk Mell, love you <3

  9. Pineapple on pizza is perfectly acceptable

  10. Good video cringey gril

  11. I didn’t appear. Again 🙁

  12. How did birdio make fried chicken?

    He cooked Azir.

  13. i dont understand the hate swimbananas gets, I think she would make S tier waifu

  14. TingTingin - Fortnite Battle Royale

    Riot THICCBananas

  15. Quốc Phương Anh Mai

    Hextech Lux looks like Original Caitlyn with a wand.

  16. 1:36 more lux skins confirmed?

  17. Im really trying because i love great art but the cringe factor in these video really pushing me away

  18. loool DRE does league art

  19. Not trying to be offensive or anything but why are these videos always being done by a rainbow haired type of girl who’s a teensy bit too loud for the kind of content she showcases

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