Hearthstone: Announcing the Knights of the Frozen Throne

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Join Production Director, Jason Chayes and Game Director, Ben Brode as they announce the Blizzard Entertainment’s newest Hearthstone expansion, Knights of the Frozen Throne, which comes out this August.

In Knights of the Frozen Throne, Azeroth’s greatest heroes are called to Northrend once again to battle the Lich King . . . in the tavern! Travel to the Icecrown Citadel, where they will encounter terrifying bear sharks, ridiculous geists, indigenous Tuskarr ice fishermen, and the mysterious influence of runic magic. With 135 icy new cards, the tavern is about to get a whole lot cooler! Mere mortals can pre-purchase a Knights of the Frozen Throne bundle of 50 cards packs for a special one-time price of $49.99. Preorders also come with a unique chilly card back for players to start growing their collection of Northrend trophies. Pre-purchase at: www.TheFrozenThrone.com

About Hearthstone: Pick up your cards and throw down the gauntlet! In Hearthstone, you play the hero in a fast-paced, whimsical card game of cunning strategy. In minutes, you’ll be unleashing powerful cards to sling spells, summon minions, and seize control of an ever-shifting battlefield. Whether it’s your first card game or you’re an experienced pro, the depth and charm of Hearthstone will draw you in. Deceptively simple and insanely fun, Hearthstone is a fast-paced strategy card game from Blizzard Entertainment. Available now on PC, Mac, iPad, and iOS and Android mobile phones.


  1. How can you bring something truly tragic to the whimsical world of Hearthstone?

    Make a card that turns minions into 5/5’s

  2. Blizzard: New Expansion hype!
    Player: What about the balance of cards?
    Blizzard: We’re going to Northrend!

  3. My son.
    The the day you were born.
    The very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name, Arthas. Kappa

  4. I can’t even with all these people whining about no death knight class. smh

  5. Jonathan Avidan

    Sounds like an awesome expansion! BTW, I’m a linguist and I know nobody asked but as for the pronunciation of “arch”: both /ark/ and “ch” are totally legit, there’s speaker variation for both. The notion that whenever there’s variation one must be more “correct” than the other comes from the philosophy of Prescriptivism where one dictates rules for language. It’s v modern and just another form of linguistic oppression. Let people pronounce stuff however they’re comfortable since there is less than zero moral legitimacy to correct one’s speech unless asked for.

  6. So no new playable class… nice.

  7. Daniel Huesmann

    Make the Lich King a 4 Mana 7/7 pirate thats what the meta needs

  8. the only thing dying is this game

  9. Gwent: “I’m set to be the next big card game. You’re old news.”
    Hearthstone: “Hold my beer.”

  10. lmao. I hope your game will start failing asap

  11. “The set comes out in august” so… august 31st right?

  12. Dear blizzard,

    As a big fan of hearthstone who loves keeping up with the news and being up to date about new content, I would appreciate it if these videos were less cringy and easier to watch.

    Thank you

    Edit: really suprised at how triggered people have gotten by the comment. I guess I just feel I prefer developers be themselves when speaking and let actors do scripted stuff, like in the mulligans series. When dev’s do scripted “hyping stuff up” dialogue it just feels forced and awkward to me, making it somewhat hard to watch.

  13. “New mechanics like hero cards!” so like Jaraxxus or Soggoth?

    “No, it’s totally different! We also have lifesteal!” so things like Siphon Soul and the like, but with less words?

  14. Random, Random, Random. Didn’t you learn from UnGoro that randomness killing that game, and you add more randomness. Good Job.

  15. can’t wait for the new hero card for warlock:
    “Warlock is dead”
    10 mana 0/1
    Battlecry: Concede the game
    Hero power: You are dead, Idiot

    Blizzard pls make warlock great again

  16. Wait a second …. did they take the whole “Jaina is a Dreadlord” joke and just ran with it … and kept running?


  17. Ben just casually forgetting about quests there

  18. “We’ve never done this before! We’ve always had 3 card types- Spells, Minions, and Weapons- but now we’re adding a fourth: the Hero card!”
    *flashback to Un’Goro*
    “We’re adding a new type of card: the Quest card!”

  19. Stable Masterino Kripperino

    “You like Death Knights?”
    “I love Death Knights!”


  20. i cant wait to never buy this

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