TF2 2007 and now

How did the 2007 version look (texture, lighting, animation, physics) compared to the most recent build (June 2017). All of this is still present on Xbox 360 and PS3 with Orange Box.
– This has been recorded on the version for the 2007 footage and most recent Steam version for the “now” footage. getpos and setpos commands were used to record everything at the exact same angles and location.
– The missing blue flame at 0:22 is still present in the current version, it just didn’t appear under that angle.


  1. Don’t forget that you had to pay it

  2. *Some downgrades to bloom, shadow and reflection effects that genuinely don’t affect the gameplay in any way*

  3. Meh, I’d still rather play this than Overwatch.

  4. Man this game looks worse than it did in 2007. But too bad he didn’t show the performance issues as well. Flames staying in one place, characters shown holding all 3 weapons at once, frame drops, and crashes.

  5. i can only say this…

    -TF2 shitty game ”nowadays” but best community…

    -Overwatch good game shitty community…

    Do YOU Agree??

  6. Awww man everything is less-shiny. Wow they had to down grade some graphics to be able to do other things like have better performance. How dare they. Seriously crowbat how about making a video without saying you hate the new and love the old.

  7. At least it’s still supported and runs. If this was EA or Activistion TF2 would have died in 2008.

  8. Mikey - CS:GO and more!

    TF2 is still a good game today, but the glory zone for me was like 2013ish.

  9. “These graphics aren’t a big deal. Who really cares?! It’s for optimization anyway!”

    It’s ten years. Ten fucking years of hardware development. Imagine if a game made for the SNES was put on the gamecube and the graphics had been downgraded? Would you excuse that with “well it runs better this way!”

    TF2 wasn’t exactly a demanding game when it came out. Was it so low it could run max settings on a toaster? No, but it was easily a game that mid level systems in 2007 could go high or max out the settings without a problem.

  10. And even with all the downgrades…
    Game runs like SHIT, even on decent hardware.

    Framerate drops below 150?
    enjoy your input lag.

    Server has 24 people? enjoy your frames dropping to 80 during fights.

    I remember playing it back in 2011 with the same i7 2600k i have now and locking 299fps and never going below 220.
    Nowdays it’s a shitshow, even playing in dx8 with a frames config.

    On top of that the hit detection also went to shit.

    Community? went to shit long ago too.

  11. There is no fanbase that’s quicker to butthurt than tf2

  12. Oh no, how am I going to enjoy the game now that I found there’s 5 less pixels on my gun?!

  13. Why is everyone implying Cro is taking a side on this? It’s just informational. This isn’t an opinion piece.

  14. I’m happy to see that they brought the length of spies butterfly knife down to the 3″ legal standard of New York State.

  15. That’s actually really sad. Why not just make this new gross lower quality be a setting? The assets are already there, I just don’t understand.

  16. why are people making excuses for this in the comments, you people are why game creators get away with dumb shit.

  17. Weapons are less shiny.

    -“Hahaha tf2 is unplayable now hahha !!1!!!1!”

  18. To put it short, the Pyro Update will decide the fate of TF2.

  19. Wait, they downgrade graphics in.. 2007 release year game?! This game didn’t load GPU, FFS! Trouble not in textures! This game loads CPU pretty much, stop downgrade graphics, valve!!!

  20. “ugh it’s for OPTIMIZATION”
    …And it still runs like shit. Shut the fuck up.

    “Holy SHIT how did they DOWNGRADE the game? valve you DUMBFUCKS”
    The changes are so god damn minor. You probably won’t even notice the differences in-game anyway cause you’re too busy playing the damn game. Shut the fuck up.

    It’s just a video comparing TF2 2007 and TF2 now. Shut the fuck up, the entire TF2 community already knows that Valve is a shit company and TF2 is dying because of them.

    (though the bottle not breaking do piss me off not gonna lie)

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