6 Secrets about Overwatch’s Tank Heroes by Jeff Kaplan

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Jeff from the Overwatch team tells us five little-known facts about D.Va, Orisa, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Winston, and Zarya.

5 Secrets about Overwatch’s Support Heroes by Jeff Kaplan (Feat.

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  1. Weaszle The Noob Destroyer

    So Reinhardt was what people thought was sound quake

  2. So, evryone was wrong about Sound Quake looks.

  3. omg

    guys. cheese is made from cows!

  4. Wrestle with Jeff…

  5. zarya carrying bastion minigun????!!!!!! i want that in the game that would be op af

  6. Dva still has bugs sometimes when she ejects the screen flashes black

    Why does Roadhog wear a mask even though we know his name?

  8. Stephano Brizzio

    These videos are great and I guess the sound quake theory is out. Also I never stopped to think of how far fetched Winston is until he laid it out like that

  9. Hope we get Jeff Kaplin as the next playable character

  10. that’s not a “secret” about zarya, everyone knew that

  11. i’m a monkey from moon, thank you for letting me feel like i can fit in overwatch

  12. Schizophrenic Desk

    Hi Ohnickel

  13. Umer Fasie Bashir

    I hope Force doesn’t make a video about this.

  14. i hate ign …i`m just here for jeff

  15. Secrets of D.va:
    -She has a lot of bugs
    Thank you Jeff

  16. We all know Zarya was added because of the triggered feminists.

  17. #YOLO SWAG Edgelord

    D.Va has the most bugs because she’s a bug in her skins.

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