Pulsefire Ezreal (2017 Update) Skin Spotlight – Pre-Release – League of Legends

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This is a teaser spotlight of Pulsefire Ezreal with ingame gameplay!

Skin name is CONFIRMED as Pulsefire Ezreal, particles & SFX may not be final.
Check out the other skins in this cycle.

Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth.

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  1. RIP Heart of Gold

  2. hey this is pretty disappointing but cool

  3. Still looks disappointing for an Ultimate skin…

  4. they should add 3 more recalls 1 for every stage, then it would look more like an ultimate skin

  5. Most of the abilities look solid.
    Don’t like the Ult though.
    They need to make it more vivid, it looks weak imo.

  6. The fact u got this skin in a hextech chest FeelsGoodMan

  7. Kayle the Judicator

    When people get what they finally ask for, but still complain about the price. Back in the day when this was the only ultimate skin, it was the best they could do with their software, no one argued the price. Today, Riot listened to what their fanbase wanted, which was just a VU, not a complete overhaul. Regardless of changes, the price won’t budge, and it never has for others unless it is for a very demanding reason. This VU only affects the people who bought the skin, in which case, shouldn’t be arguing about anyway since it is already bought and they got what they paid for and then more. For those that still don’t like the skin, it is as simple as not buying it. Something was asked, and it was given, but still you want more.

  8. miller gonçalves

    This should be 1820RP skin…

  9. “We’ll only redo a couple of effects n’ such” – Rito 2016
    *New Recall, animations, voice AND effects added*
    GJ Rito. <3

  10. TheDreadedAssassin

    Gotta say the death animation is pretty terrifying, but I suppose when I finally shut him down, it will make me feel good.

  11. ….. really…. compare with caitlyn this is trash….

  12. Eli Fabbricante

    Isn’t this supposed to be an ultimate skin

  13. It’s pretty good, but I still feel like there are legendaries about as good…
    …and considering the other ultimate skins…

    But hey he can make a little Ez dance ha ha, ha…

  14. Pulsefire caitlyn looks more ultimate than ezreal. LOL ?

  15. project ashe still better

  16. People complain that riot doesn’t listen to the community, but then they listen and then they complain *even harder*.

  17. for everyone complaining, you do realise they could of just left the old ezreal pulsefire and not give a fuck what people paid for it did or said, they could of said “well it was good back then” i think its only fair they do what we like cuz they like us, not cuz they want to sell the skin to people now ,but to justify people who bought the skin before and wanted a small upgrade to make it closer to the newer skins that are of ultimate quality yes it does feel like a 1820 skin, but a 13 skin? no stop being salty, either way i dont play league much but i do own this skin, i do like the new heros and stuff but the game it self is just tiring to many changes all the time, i come back and play a few games here and there but thats it

  18. this shit is a 975 skin when compared to 1350 arcade ezreal. step up


  20. it looks good, it IS good, but still not enough to be a proper ULTIMATE skin. It should change more things, like his transformations aren’t that impressive, the skills animation/color/SFX could change the higher the skill lvl, stuff like that. (i know the blue is thematic but eh, i feel like the pulsfire thematic isn’t really clear.)
    It could have special animation when using triforce/gauntlet/muramana too. They got the technologie NOW. Just sayin’.
    Try new things, it’s an ULTIMATE skin. DJ sona has her own BGM and can even share it. Udyr’s animation change when a skill is maxed. Lux doesn’t have just a bunch of different skin in one, but also different personalities, animation/sfx, so each form actually feels different. Pulsfire Ez’ just got.. a “meh” evolution of his armor and cool animation/sfx

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