Yooka-Laylee (The Videogame Show What I’ve Done)

Because this is a PC game, all footage was captured with a mouse and keyboard. That’s how it should be.


  1. I’m here to make an “x likes yet 0 views” comment because despite it being 2017 I STILL don’t know how YouTube works! 😛 herpa derpa gerpa 😀

  2. Banjo Kazooie

  3. why the fuck did you play this platformer with mouse and keyboard

  4. Unmitigated Disaster

    How on Earth did they fuck this up? I know we ask that a lot around here, but seriously… how did they manage this?

  5. Holy crap at first i thought it was part of some genious shitty editing when the “voiceover” was all weird and “stuttery” but it’s like that in the actual game??? WOW

  6. Damn under the 1k views with 7 dislikes alr. Quite the band of people who want to dislike so EARLY

  7. Jim gave this a 2/10? That was unexpected….

  8. Nice use of the Crash Bandicoot music.

  9. Laylee has the most tollerable grunts.

  10. So wait, people were asking for a classic platformer collect-a-thon and finally a competent group of people decides to make one, they do and now everyone is saying its awful and outdated?

    You people don’t know what you want.

  11. Disliked

    No Bandicam Watermark

  12. i think the real question is…. where the fuck in the conker’s bad fur day knockoff????

  13. I know your complaint is that it feels dated, but from what I remember of their pitch they said that they inteded to make a game just like Banjo Kazooie. Not an homage like Shovel Knight, but literally the Banjoo Threeie they wanted to make 20 years ago. I feel like they delivered exactly what was promised.

    And before anyone calls me a fanboy I did not back Yooka Laylee and I have no love at all for rare as I hated their games back then too, but that’s why I didn’t get Yooka Laylee, they said it would be just like those games and I knew I hated them already.

  14. I didn’t play a single collect-a-thon when I was a kid and I like the mumbles. Sue me.

  15. After seeing some of the few positive reviews of this game… I just have to shake my head at this. Yeah, yeah, “They can do it without being dated!” but it comes off like people are saying the entire CONCEPT is dated, that the lifeblood of the game, the core, the things people like me actually like about them are fundamentally broken and should be left on the wayside to die and never be attempted again. Fuck that. I’m keeping this, stupid voices and all. This is exactly what I wanted.

  16. Holy shit those voice grunts are awful. The sounds don’t even flow properly, like someone was just mashing keys producing random sound effects.

  17. I get you don’t like the game but is this shit really necessary?
    I guess expressing your opinion and giving the game a 2/10 isn’t enough, you have to make a video parodying and mocking people who do like it… why?
    This is really disappointing, James.

  18. Rational Disconnect

    Wow! Well I can see why they originally chose JonTron to do voice acting for this game. That weird incoherent, kinda racist sounding, gibberish is how he naturally talks!

  19. Jontron not being in this game, probably saved his career if anything

  20. I’d like to live in a world where 2/10 games were this good.

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