Lucian 7.5 cast time changes + combo speed

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fun champ



  2. nice, but i would never buy that much AS items on Lucian

  3. I’m looking forward to this boys.

  4. so I’m a little behind on the state of the game, last i checked lucian was in a less tehn favorable position, did something change in the most recent patch to make him a better pick now or is this just the state he was in before. Also how practical is the combos and builds used in the video? Thanks in advance.

  5. WatchMen Designs

    I have crippling depression

  6. Not gonna bring him back to meta, just gives a chance for bad players to look good on him

  7. What the fuck is this man… what happened to League?

  8. Maining lucian for 2 years will pay off ?

  9. If Lucian had 50 more range he’d be the best adc in the game.

  10. Live satellite feed from Chicago, Illinois.

  11. the new changes are a nerf early and why a normal adc build on him over lethality has reason to be good now over other adcs is beyond me

  12. cancer status lucian, this is what you wanted fucking reddit
    kill yourselves now

  13. Knowing Riot, once Lucian turns out to be too strong in the future that has nothing to do with this, they’ll slow that shit down even worse than it was before this change. They hate things being smooth.

  14. nothing changes.none is going to play lucian anyways hahahahaha.

  15. Wat

  16. wouldn’t you build more CDR? like even just 10% more would pretty seems like that would be enough to spam that combo.


    Ahh , support first item Thornmail

  18. sick holyshit I don’t want to lane against this dud…

  19. what animes have u watched?

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