Nintendo Switch – Before You Buy

The Nintendo Switch launches with a big Zelda game and not much else. Is the hardware worth the early adoption? Jake breaks it down.

*Photography/camera operation by Thomas Johnson


  1. It’s pretty awesome, but not without substantial problems. Leave us questions and we’ll try to answer as many as possible in as many threads as we can 😀

  2. Gimme some good games besides Mario and I’ll buy it. Price isn’t a problem(I gotta nice job). 720p isn’t a problem. Battery life isn’t a problem.
    Games are a problem and I’ll wait until Nintendo port smash and maybe some GameCube games to it.

  3. But does it fit in my ass though?

  4. Overpriced hardware
    -Underpowered hardware
    -Lackluster Online and now you have to pay for it
    -Lackluster launch
    -No Ethernet port
    -Lack of 3rd party support
    -Lackluster internal storage
    –Lack of western AAA support
    -Properly Communicating the -concepts of the console
    -Lack of a streaming service
    -Lack of Trophies/achievements

    Why people would yet again give Nintendo a pass or make excuses for mediocrity is beyond me.

  5. [Woomy]Orangie Inkling

    Thing is, in America it only cost $300 for the switch .
    But in Australia, $500 fucking dollars. I say FUCK THAT!!

  6. Pros and cons? More like pros and *Joycons*. ;D

  7. Why should I buy Console that weaker than my ps4 and has less games?

  8. isn’t the switch just a glorified and over-hyped tablet running ninendo software?

  9. they need to add a browser, so we can watch data, and also put in a sim card so we can have data

  10. They should’ve made it so it can take 3DS and DS games hate how I’m just limited to Nintendo switch games

  11. I really hate PC gamers as they think everything has to be about graphics. 720 p is good with 1080p being great but 4K is not even nessacary. Just so you can see something in the background a little more detailed in exchange for battery life, bugs, performance issues, and low frame rate??

  12. Oh, Young Waker of the Winds

    You can’t call yourself a gamer when you care more about the graphics than the games.
    Complaining about how it doesn’t run in 4K? Boohoo. 4K is not even needed. Just so you can see something in the background a little more detailed in exchange for battery life, bugs, performance issues, and low frame rate?
    No launch games?
    Fast RMX
    Just Dance 2017
    Human Resource Machine
    I Am Setsuna
    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    Little Inferno
    Shovel Knight
    Skylanders: Imaginators
    Super Bomberman R
    World of Goo
    Complaining about how you have to pay for online service? Are you an actual fucking retard? It costs around $17-26 for Nintendo Online service, while you have to pay $50 for PS/XB1 online.
    Overpriced? Are you fucking kidding me? The Switch is $300 AT LAUNCH and is portable, with one of the launch games considered to be the best game of all time (look at the review scores). The XB1 and PS4 were around $500-$600 at launch, and try carrying one of those things around.

  13. I’m a PC player and am deciding between Switch and PS4 but am siding with PS4 because of Uncharted and Persona 5 <3

  14. I hear the battery is bad. Is that true?

  15. No one buys a Nintendo console for the graphics

  16. Older General Skywalker

    complaining about 720p on a handheld is honestly retarded.

  17. people need to realize that if Nintendo had hardware similar to xbox and ps it would fail.

  18. I have a friend that got the switch.The graphic look like last gen blackops 3 ???

  19. There’s only one con the left joycon

  20. What I’ve learned from Nintendo products is that you never buy their consoles when they first come out. They always release a better version a few months later

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