Apology Graphics, Rise Of Kong, And Regulating Bad Games (The Jimquisition)

Skull Island: Rise of Kong has quickly become a legend of bad videogame lore. Astoundingly unfinished garbage, it’s giving even that dreadful Gollum game a run for its money. In a year of abysmal videogames, many of which inspired Solemn JPEG apology graphics, let’s start wondering if game quality needs some sort of standard enforcement.

#RiseOfKong #SkullIsland #Redfall #StraySouls #BadGames #GameMill #JimSterling #Jimquisition #StephanieSterling #Games #Gaming #Videogames


  1. While I believe I’m in your corner on principle for regulating this sort of thing, I’m curious as to whether you’d have some idea for what that legislation would really look like. Where would we draw the line? A game can be playable with some glitchy art/graphics. A game can look pristine, but play like ass. A section of a game can be potentially completable while requiring ultra precise inputs that it could be dubious whether the average gamer can pull them off.

    Again, I’m not saying it shouldn’t happen, but I do feel like there can be points of nuance here that could be difficult to navigate. How might you set up standards for this sort of thing?

  2. The N64 called and if want the game-

    Buried in the deepest, darkest hole you can find (no, not that one. eeewww)

  3. that witty song and the mention of the escapist reminded me that I loved the rhymedown spectacular from back in the days. Maybe recent events will lead to some new quality colab

  4. Rise of Kong looks like an asset flip, without even the weak excuse of being an indie con.

  5. annonamouse incognito

    Melty grounds a thing I’ve seen in two games recently one started doing it after a so called patch and the other games over 4 years old now it’s disorienting to see solid ground slowly morph into a ramp or cliff

  6. Ok, I am here for this phase of the Jimquisition where every video has a custom-written song parody. HELL yeah.

    (I mean, I’m here for every phase of the Jimquisition, but I’m really loving this one)

  7. I had to stop at the intro to do research cuz I had no idea about what went down at the escapist

  8. Way back in 2006, I bought a Radeon X1900XTX (yeah, I’m that old). Let’s just say it was the RTX 4090 of its day. And so it came with two video games, one of which was 2005’s King Kong based off the Peter Jackson movie. If you want King Kong action, play that game. It’s really good. And the graphics are a million times better than what we just saw. Plus, on current hardware, it’s probably gonna run at 10 million frames per second. Pretty sure you can find it for free somewhere, given its age. Or the one-dollar bin at the supermarket.

  9. I think you’re kinda underselling the amount of incredible games released this year, but you certainly ain’t wrong about the stinkers either. Lists of either category are gonna be huge.

  10. This year, Steph is going to have to explain the shittiest games list to at least top 13, if not top 20, or the presentation is going to be inherently skewed.

  11. Zilla just keeps getting better and better! That credits sequence, wow! And the song, ace!

  12. That Thong Song parody went so hard, absolutely genius stuff by Zilla. That extra poo really must make a lot of difference!

  13. The Kong song was actually cracking. I’d welcome more bad videogame review videos with lyrically reworked early 00’s hip-hop.

  14. Now I have the image of Kong in a thong burned into my retina. Thanks for that Steph.

  15. Heart-warming you remember yahtzee fondly enough to give him a minute of your time in the video.

  16. Did not see the Sisqo reference coming. Fantastic lol

  17. Honestly, every game that came out in the past few months that I wanted, I decided not to get. And these are franchises I really liked or heard good things about, but as soon as they released, the user reviews were at best, mixed to negative to at worst, highly negative. And you bet those games all had overpriced preorders tempting you to buy to play early. The only games I purchased this year were Starfield and Street Fighter 6. It’s gotten to the point where I see the negative reviews, the bugs, and the greedy tactics and I just say F it, I’ll wait for a sale and see where the game is, at that point. But honestly, I enjoy playing older titles like Civ VI, Quake multiplayer, older racing titles, and kind of forget those games I wanted until I just decided to delete them from my wishlist.

  18. I’ve figured it out! The Kong footage really highlighted it – what we’re seeing is another MMO boom/bust – in this case it’s just games in general but this is the exact same bubble/boom+bust cycle that we saw in the 00’s with MMORPG’s – all the big popular names got bought up by giant developers, the original teams leave, then the game turns into a hollow facsimile of its original format, and then they all slowly died out except for the handful of passion projects that didn’t get bought out.

    Mark my words, this will get worse before it gets better. Just remember, you don’t see many successful MMORPG’s around these days, but the ones that are, are run by dedicated teams. You can already see this is the difference between ~”AAA”~ studios and indie devs this year. Indie devs are booming, but ~”AAA”~ devs are plummeting like a rock in a jar of old semen.

  19. I was just about to comment on the amazing Thong Song parody that ZManzilla added and then immediately following it I hear my Born Depressed rendition start blaring! <3 My heart! <3 I love how it kinda also slyly brings Digital Homocide into this too XD. Loved this video all-around.

  20. There was this old series by YouTuber Spiffing Brit where he played Game Dev Tycoon style games, where the goal was to make as much money by doing as little as possible. His companies would release the shittiest games possible, spending no time on development, only on advertising. Then he’d use the proceeds from those game sales to acquire bigger IPs and release those with as little development and the biggest advertising biggest as possible. Slowly buying bigger and bigger IPs, and slowly ruining the game industry.

    It was intended as a scathing critique of the practices of EA, Activision, and Ubisoft, but it’s also literally what Game Mill Entertainment is doing right now with whatever random IP they can get their grubby hands on.

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