The River King

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Desperate times call for desperate measures. I can make you a fine bargain… but you gotta be willing to pay the price.


  1. +LANCEOFDONGINUS I was hyped for Jinx. I was hyped for Rek’Sai. Tahm…
    neat but not hype worthy in my mind.

  2. +LANCEOFDONGINUS I can’t remember a bigger hype than jinx had. You Sound
    rather salty because you weren’t as hyped as seemingly everyone else. But I
    feel you, I don’t like jinx too much either.

  3. +NesquiK
    A Video about the newest playable character thats to come into the league
    of legends

  4. +Ahmad MEESO It sounds too much like twisted fate

  5. +Towermice I’m sure the anime crack was about the Taokaka image. I take it
    you’re also a fan of Blazblue then?

  6. Matteo SwagDaddy

    Probs too busy eating and watching Weeaboo trash anime.

  7. +Amanda Hernandez probably a new champ

  8. +DramakilzU this would have been really cool!

  9. Lol :3 maybe

  10. +theCRAY fist To be released in NA in May 2012. Delayed. Delayed.
    Delayed… if only they didn’t put up those region locks.

  11. +John Sheffar oh and draven cant forget about him

  12. Former Admiral Kuzan

    +wade kroes *META Support Cause I can see myself going full ap rush mejai’s
    mid lane with this bad boy

  13. ya, its probably twisted fate because of the voice

  14. +sheer reddragon It’s basically this

    “Old demon who disguises himself to attract people and makes deals with
    them that seem good but just screws them over in the end”

    In the case of Tahm, he is hungering not only for things to eat, but for
    abstract concepts like Sadness and Despair, so he tricked the dude and then
    ate his wedding, his house and his bride just to delight in his despair
    after their accord, or that is what i get from it at least

  15. Maybe he secretly has a sister? or even maybe he HAD a sister since she’s
    now been nommed by Tahm? who knows i guess

  16. Garrett Daehling

    +Nicholas Cannaday Hes actually getting buffed :/

  17. Nicholas Cannaday

    +Julian Simon I hope he doesn’t get nerfed, he seems reasonably balanced at
    the moment. Sure his Q and W can do large dmg, but if someone survives the
    burst then they can usually trade evenly with him. The only thing I could
    see them changing is the cost of Q, it is so cheap you can spam it all day
    and never go oom.

  18. +Nicholas Cannaday I mean themeing wise, he sounds like this unknowable
    menacing force or evil. The devil if the devil were a catfish, so lets make
    him a tanky support with some AP ratios…..

  19. +Speeddemon105 And now that I think about it, this is probably the closest
    interpretation that this game has ever come to of the freaking DEVIL yet.
    And considering we have guys like Thresh around, that’s a scary thought.

  20. +Quinn Schoenfeld Don’t be silly! There’s nothing a huge explosion or a
    number of explosions can’t fix… except for craters. Explosions can’t fix

  21. +Bidmartinlo Oh hello there Ziggs. DIdn’t see you there buddy.

  22. Waltard Teh Burban

    +Zac Scarpellino Don’t be sorry… we all know it is true…

  23. Gnar The Missing Link

    +The Fat Punisher they were probably high while making also there is a bug
    that makes the game thinks your allies are enemy minions and when you spit
    you can kill them and get gold for it.

    Good job riot good job

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