How AI Takes The Art Out Of The Artist (The Jimquisition)

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AI generated art is all the rage right now, but have you noticed it’s been sold with the same techbro evangelicalism that tried to shove NFTs down our throats? I’m hardly surprised, as both of these grifts have the same endgame – cutting artists out of the commercialization of art.

Let’s look at AI art, the people pushing it, and the moves to sell creativity without paying creators. With special guest editor NEON 35-2!


  1. Engineer here, I don’t fear AI or tech in general, they’re only tools. I fear the dumbassery of the fokwits who will own these tools as much as if I saw them approaching me with a claw hammer.

  2. The AI eye is CREEPY

  3. AI art specifically can only going so far as of right now, it’s fun to play around with for a while… but that’s about it
    I choose to think of the AI art situation as a means of pitting Artificial intelligence again actual human intelligence.

    As of right now human intelligence is still winning where it counts since AI can only understand so much where a human could perfectly understand every tiny little detail and even give me something better than I asked for.
    If a person’s art is so soulless that an AI could do then that person probably deserves to be replaced.
    This is AI art specifically just fyi.

  4. Yeah, I don’t agree. Many things that you mentioned are real problems, but I disagree with how you put it all together. Seems random and unrelated.

  5. But the bush detail Steph! The next Crysis game is going to look amazing!

  6. As a collage artist that recontextualizes images within their work, it’s been interesting to see the arguments of ai art and that “artists” within those spheres using my medium as an example to excuse their “work”. we are not the same.

  7. Digital camera didn’t replace photographers. Because you need a pro to take wedding pictures.
    AI Generators won’t replace artists. AI Generators are a powerful tool in the artist’s toolbox, a photoshop brush on steroid, while at the same time empowering non artists and lowering the barrier of entry to creating non commercial images.

  8. Thank you for making a video on this topic. As an artist in the animation industry, this absolutely terrifies me. The absolutely callous and cruel attitude AI supporters have for just about everyone is truly sickening. It has already been difficult to find work and get yourself out there in this age of algorithm based Social media, and this just makes everything look so much bleaker.

  9. Loved the tweet from Mark Brooks, good luck in AI getting to his quality any time soon. I’m also hoping Getty Image wins their lawsuit, that should put a damper in the AI art world.

  10. To me it has the same awful stock footage mixed with your one ounce of input.
    What happened to the old videos?
    Since they started using awful office stock footage to portray a sentiment the viewer base shrunk.
    Jim needs to really take stock of how lazy he/they have become with visuals on editing

  11. As a human my understanding comes from those that use said models.
    This is a very shallow view of AI

  12. Jim you do know that with that technology. Anyone can film you saying or doing any we want.

  13. At this point, I’m too anxious to create an online portfolio for my work even though a lot of artists get by on digital portfolios.

    It’s a hobby I want to turn into a profession and I worry that I never can. AI could be awesome FOR artists. Every artist knows the annoyance of something like staring at their own hand or foot and trying to translate it to their chosen canvas. But training it on art that has been specifically created for the purpose would be the only acceptable way to do it.

  14. You finally got the opportunity to replace somebody with AI, and you chose Justin? Craig was right there! He’s the perfect sacrifice for the electronic old gods!

  15. Do you shop at Asda?

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