Batman: Arkham Knight Angry Review *Spoilers*

“Baymang” Joe and “OtherSuperJoe” FINALLY Review the conclusion to the Arkham Trilogy, Batman: Arkham Knight! What took so long? and how does this final game measure up? Find out!

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  1. No it not it horrible I almost brought the pc port

  2. +lil_vette still not the rating it deserves.

  3. +Percius15 it is a great game but like i said be4 a 6 is ridiculous and i
    just cant help but think joe was being biased

  4. +ryder mccall Advanced? Maybe you haven’t heard of the PC port release, in
    that case I will give you the benefit of the doubt. So on the day the game
    released pc users *EVERYWHERE* even with high built and monster towers of
    computers decked with the highest of supplies suffered: Crashes,Texture pop
    ins, slowdown to slideshow frames, this is due to the fact that Rocksteady
    shelved this out to another smaller company of 12 more or less developers,
    while RS worked on the consoles.

  5. Its clueful enough to speak my mind

  6. +thekodomo whoops no, I was wrong. just looked it up again and it turns out
    it was mark hamill. mah bad people. 😛
    lovely to see him revisit the role tho! 🙂

  7. +Juan Campos look up retarded horse

  8. +Steven DeJesus they arent the same as origins at all.

  9. +J Fidelis Mexican is not a race.

  10. +BustyChicks FTW WTF does Mexicans have to do with anythings?

  11. Devan Evans (voiceofreason467)

    +DOGGYSTYL32012 I enjoyed it, thought it was one of the best Arkham games
    released so far. Only problem is that I have the PC version and the fact
    that a lot of the stuff endemic to the Arkham series is gone, such as
    challenge maps.

  12. Jordan Jolivette

    +Raging Impulse dude r u serious?

  13. +TheKeyser94 To answer your question : “No, it’s not enough”

  14. tommygun studios

    They just ported it wrong dumbass because dc was lazy

  15. +Spartan Prime (Halo) it is better though or at least it should be. Is
    entirely the developers fault for having the next gen agenda shoved so far
    up their ass, they are leaving pc behind which is bullshit.

  16. +Burgerwolf Brown I would say that is a good point, but we have already had
    that a few times… and they were still bad, sry to crush your hopes

  17. Kolsyrad Mcluvin

    +John Kennedy This is the issue with scores in general. 6/10 is NOT
    8/10 should be considered amazing. But nowadays, anything bellow an 8 is
    just seen as horrid…..
    5/10 is decent. It means that the game is okay, and yet people act as if it
    means ” WORST GAME EVER ! ”..

  18. +Chris Hutton ” A good reviewer doesn’t rate a game how only they think it
    was ” Yes, they do. A reviewer is someone who’s job it is to tell THEIR
    opinion on the game and if their audience would buy it, the rating system
    in Joe’s videos are his views on the game.

  19. +baole58 What’s your point? The PC Port for GTA V was delayed four times.
    Coming out six months after they said it would. You realize the same
    company was outsourced for Origins? Origins turned out fine. (With all it’s
    flaws that had more to do with Rocksteady oking a shit game)

  20. You miss the point, why is Joker’s illusion in the game? It’s nothing but
    fan service that no one asked for. The fucker’s dead, move on.

  21. Thank you sir

  22. +Wes Turesky Maybe because Rocket League is better?

    Plus, It’s still in the steam store..

  23. also parkour

  24. +Adam Johnson both of those are personal and subjective…

  25. +John Len
    people hated it because of TOO MUCH TANK BATTLES

  26. +DarkBioCloud Partially but it runs like crap with or without it. Just
    crappier with it.

  27. +Sami Jospeh y do u say that?

  28. +Wegguliteus The Channel Yeah, because my dual Titan-X’s that can’t run it
    worth a shit are somehow lesser than your single 980ti. Fucking fanboys..
    the game is broken. If it wasn’t broken, they wouldn’t have removed it from
    the market. They are openly admitting it’s broken.

  29. “I also enjoyed watch dogs and bought evolve” – Sean jaszczur

  30. My comment was obviously not because of this 1 video and has nothing to do
    with gaming either, any regular follower of Joe would understand what i am
    talking about so just move along

  31. +damir divovic thanks. developers should have been more creative. that part
    of the game had so much potential to be more open world. but oh well, let’s
    hope next time they do something like this.

  32. +Joshua Hernandez that could’ve actually work

  33. ThatStraightDragQueen

    +xjakekyrianx little difference like draw distance and little tiny details
    on the ps4. But it’s not a big difference, they’re both HD systems

  34. +xMysticEpyonx PS4 runs games a little faster just a little though.

  35. I can get behind that, to each their own 😀

  36. Dude, just go watch IGN.. they get paid to talk good about games by gaming
    companies. You can’t handle the truth!

  37. +KillerFugu
    Sorry but i just dont get it. Why gamespot gave a game low score and people
    complaining and dislike but when Joe gave a score that even lower people
    still like his video?? I dont hate Joe or like Gamespot, i just dont
    understand people sometime.

  38. Arkham knight was dissapointing and very predictable

  39. +King Deepak Dileep the twist is predictable from a mile away

  40. But some of these kids take that shit to heart and get all upset…

    Shameful 🙁

  41. +BeastUpp fair enough. I didn’t dislike him, I will say he was amazing
    compared to the actor in Asylum.

  42. What did you think of the voice acting?

  43. Arkham City didn’t have any replayability, also the combat was the same as
    asylum.. I’d say 9 was a good score

  44. +patrickcampbell45 After actually completing the game 200% , it get’s more
    of a 6/10 out of me.

  45. +Maxim Wilson was it any good though

  46. Abdul Aziz Al Hosani

    How do an argument bout pc turned to this…? LMAO!

  47. That’s cool. Disagreeing with the review doesn’t make u a fanboy

  48. +RilzGamingVideos if you know something about the comics and cartoons then
    most likely. But i only realised it when I saw the flashbacks with Joker

  49. +Jordan Jolivette Well I still play Destiny so don’t get me wrong I think
    it’s a good game but when it was released the game was kinda … meh. Over
    time Bungie changed things and it became better like with House of wolves
    that did a much better job at story telling. I’m just saying that on
    release date Batman Arkham Knight is better that Destiny so it could get a
    better rating :p You shouldn’t review the game as the finale to the Arkham

  50. Samur/Aye Studios

    i still don’t get how the fact that one broken game negates the fact that
    PC’s are still WAY pricier than consoles… so yes, if you understand the
    meaning of the word peasant, then the term “console peasant” is still

  51. +MyBojo123 it was the only way he could finish

  52. Ur in the minority dude. It being pulled off Steam says it all

  53. Rift Shredder (TJbro9)

    Also you know that when Batman shoots his cannon at people, it switches to
    non lethal rounds, and when Batman drives around, if a pedestrian is in the
    way, it sends out a shock wave that bumps the people out of the way and
    stuns them but doesn’t kill them

  54. +Burger Shock Well im with Joe and he gave 9/10 to Arkham City which he was
    true open mind review. I enjoyed more playing AC than AK. AK was completely
    trash to me and mature friends. Lack of boss fights and storyline. If makes
    you mad what im saying, then go ahead. You wont convince me to turn back to
    true reviewers and join your side. Its same youre saying to me “Ride to
    Hell have best storyline and its awesome.”. Riddler and Pyg cool
    bossfighters, everything else is MEH (lack of bossfights, Scarecrow beaten
    with one punch, too much Batmobile (since its their last game i forgive
    them), lack of challenges saved 4 DLC’s, Arkam Knight voiced by Troy
    Baker). Ending and intro is cool in this game too. You cant deny the truth
    when the truth hurts than lying. I find The Witcher 3 and Batman Arkham
    City more interesting than AK.

  55. +Jordan Jolivette I guess not. Usually there were more skins in the game
    like City or Origins that you didn’t have to buy and were in the game. But
    I guess buying them separately works too, so you don’t have to buy a pack
    with some skins you wouldn’t even use.

  56. No real spoils. Just that Joker is in the game. Doesn’t give away the

  57. +Jordan Jolivette this review came out on july 8th and the pc version of
    the game came out on june 23th. all he had to do was google it like anyone
    else to know it was shit. He had a good 2 weeks, it even says in the review
    it’s late, the description of the video says it’s late. I don’t know why he
    even owns consoles if he just waits to bitch and moan about PC like a pussy.

    2 weeks is more than enough time to know how a game is performing on
    various platforms, especially considering reviews come out these days
    before the games even come out. look at MGS5, the reviews are out already
    and it doesn’t come out until September

  58. +t3hdude the reason people spend thousands of dollars building PCs is
    because they have better hardware and that’s where the best experience
    lies. If Joe has a freaking MEGA MACHINE, why would he just leave it off in
    the corner to go play on console?

  59. +AngryJoeShow this review makes me sad 🙁
    but witcher 3 wild hunt review was awesome
    so lets compare witcher 3 10/10
    arkham knight 6/10
    is this game as bad as destiny (bungie) yes/no
    pc port arkham knight 1/10 pc witcher 3 port 9/10

  60. Oh, okay thanks!

  61. its a dumb, boring, rushed game.. that I’d never play again.. gave it to my
    brother for free

  62. +Ios Gamer I guess I meant million, still though.

  63. Wait, it might be from the avengers.

  64. Fighting FaIcon16

    Suck at batman??? There is no skill gap in batman

  65. 28:48

  66. +David Streit He shows the game score on his website.

  67. +lil_vette He was salty because of the PC version, if he hadn’t bothered
    with that terrible port he wouldn’t of have had been so biased.

  68. “Everyone seems to agree.” Have u seen the comments here?

  69. +ChaseCopeFilms sometimes u have to sacrifice logic for a more enjoyable

  70. +lil_vette Except when the story presents a logical reason for doing the
    side quests.

  71. Don’t have to be a dick head about it. And I agree that arkham city is
    better than knight

  72. Arkham origins

  73. and if the villains were all working together as allies in separate ways as
    a huge well oiled machine as some crazy crime syndicate, or if I could use
    every gadget in Batman’s arsenal, and every vehicle and the ending wasn’t
    that satisfying to me. And the content felt like it went by to fast by the
    time you complete everything there just isn’t that much to do. I know games
    with content that exceed over 200-300 hours like Guild Wars 2, Dragon Age,
    Witcher, Middle Earth. It all felt to short to me for an open world game.
    In all 7/10. But that’s my opinion so don’t hate

  74. For me a high 7/low 8. It was a very solid and atmospheric game. IT just
    over used the batmobile/had too little of the other moments and the boss
    battles where identical to none boss battles.
    The plot was average, but saved by Mr J. Personally I loved the reason for
    Gothem being deserted BUT this feels like a middle game rather than a grand
    finally. In all honesty I think city should have been the last and this the
    2nd. Would have made this a better game and City would have been a great

  75. +Luke Embling O_o bad pc port doesn’t equal a bad platform. Do we even
    wanna talk about Battlefield 4 on the Xbox 360, or Ps3?

  76. exactly it’s the best out of the series

  77. +theking1991 I agree with +BluShamu the game was disappointing with shitty
    boss battles and and an overused batmobile…

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