A Video About The Doom Eternal Controversy (The Jimquisition)

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So much for what I wanted to talk about. Gotta talk about more scumbags in the videogame workplace. This time, a story about Doom Eternal, a stressed composer, and a bitter feud with an executive producer.

#Doom #DoomEternal #Controversy #MikeGordon #FPS #Music #Allegations #JimSterling #JamesStephanieSterling


  1. imagine what we could have if corporations actually valued their artists

  2. 《::SCVNTHORPE::》

    Game industry has some of the worst management of the software disciplines

  3. “You’re topics are too depressing!”

    Welcome to the big time boys and girls, what were you expecting? Sweets that grow out of the earth? Creeks flowing with soda pop? Sunshine and rainbows with cute animals prancing through the meadows? Big business was fun as a kid, until you have to work for them, just so you can buy their shit, if that doesn’t cause depression, I don’t know what else will.

  4. I absolutely lost it at “Mick Gordon” and “incompetence” in one sentence. The man is a fucking genius and a sweetheart. Doom (2016)’s success is AT LEAST 40% his soundtrack.

  5. Professional wrestling is “fake” in the sense that it’s a performance, but it’s “real” in the sense that you do your own stunts. And with not much safety gear, either.

  6. I imagine this will likely be brushed under the rug by the time starfield comes out no doubt :<

  7. I come here for the callouts of garbage behavior. If these seem dour its because you speak against abuse of power.

  8. What has art to do with AAA games? Do you even know what art means in terms of videogames? I agree with what you say but the definition of art is really misused.

    You can do a good product AND NOT BE ART, it’s completely fine, so the problem in management should not be if AAA games are art or not anyway, by definition of being managers that have to make a product being produced, the exact opposite of art anyway.

    It’s just word manipulation to get your point across, when there is actually a good point to be made here, but it’s not related to art, it’s related to morality.

    For example, CDPR is NOT EXCUSED for doing new innovative and maybe artistic games if their morality is liquid feces. Art done by exploiting people is the opposite of what art should do, it doesn’t matter the results (and plus, results do not matter to art, results only matter to PRODUCT)

  9. Investigate EVERY Videogame Company? Even Llamasoft? Come on, if Giles had anything to say, he would’ve said it by now! Or have I fallen into the “Old Hippy” persona that Jeff Minter likes to project?

  10. that bruise looks exactly like string slap.

  11. that seagull only has one foot!

  12. I hope you watched until the end for the tits out

  13. Every time a video like this is released, or I hear about another controversy in the game industry, I feel my stress levels go through the roof. As someone who very recently escaped the VFX industry, lemme tell ya (not that anyone here needs convincing); these stories are all too real. This is just what it’s like, with the out of touch management, short deadlines and bad communication followed by getting thrown under the bus. This is such a personal frustration for me, I can’t tell you how vindicating it feels to have someone like Commander Sterling going to bat for these people. Even if it is depressing to hear, I hope you keep rattling those cages!

  14. Someone told me this about “professional wrestling”: “It’s not fake, it’s scripted.” Which is a subtle, but important difference. The athleticism is real, and even though the fights aren’t actual combat, the stunts are inherently dangerous (but designed to prevent real, serious injury during performance). Anyway, damn, that’s a good battle bruise.

  15. Carthienes, Devil's Advocate (nrq)

    Well said. It doesn’t matter if he’s exaggerating – it’s believable, likely, and should be treated as such. That level of detail is not something that one can come up with on a whim.

  16. The thoughts and feelings I was told not to share are as follows. I really want some chocolate.

  17. Crunch is horrible, no argument there. But keeping Mick out of the loop, secretly making a backup OST, jerking him around for years and effectively stealing half of his work, that’s not (mainly) crunch that’s personal animosity. In my mind Marty and a few others at Id hated the fact that a freelancer like Mick was so intrinsically connected to Doom 2016 and so tried their best to push him out in the most roundabout ways possible. It wouldn’t be the first time such egotistical behavior has graced Id afterall…

  18. can’t forgot the threats hurled at gordon and family (!) by gamers after he had been thrown under the bus by stratton.

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