Dawn of the Phyrexian Invasion – Official Cinematic Trailer – Dominaria United | The Brothers’ War

Phyrexians have taken root in Dominaria as a shocking sleeper agent is revealed. Now a weary hero must travel back in time to discover how to defeat Magic’s greatest villains. Witness the beginning of an epic, multi-set story that fans will be talking about for years to come.

Preorder The Brothers’ War – https://magic.wizards.com/en/products/the-brothers-war

Register for Prerelease at Your Local Game Store – November 11th

Available Everywhere – November 18

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  1. Lol before clicking this video i was thinking thats rengar from league of legends

  2. For a company that likes to rape their customer’s wallets for a quick buck, you would think they could create more content like this to increase the exposure of the worlds and characters they’ve created and gain new fans outside of their cards. But just like the international side of Pokemon Company, they do the minimum required to get their buck.
    I was someone who recently return to magic after spending years away. I returned with the latest installment of Innistrad and fell in love with the plane. Started reading the lore and I wanted to try and get a group together to play D&D set on Innistrad. Sadly, I do not know if I want to stay playing this game with the new direction this company has chosen. I see the lack of respect for the community. I think back to the days when I was an organizer for my LGS in the early and mid 2000s. I organized for Score, Konami, Pokemon Company, and Wizards through the DCI. The DCI was horrible to work with, and the support they showed for the community is laughable when compared to Score, which is just sad.
    Magic has a rich history of interesting planes and complicated characters, but they fall to the wayside simply because this company cares more about profits than the content they create. Yes, I understand you are a business, and you need to make money. But when money is your only reason for doing, you’ve lost.
    Spend less time figuring out how you can charge $100 a card, and focus more on the creative side, and you’ll make more money selling your cards for less.

  3. Jean-François Jasmin

    Teferi just leaving at the end and not giving a rat’s ass about Nissa dying on the floor.

  4. If I had a nickel everytime a big beefy planeswalker turned evil and tried to kill another planeswalker, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it’s happened twice.

  5. When it’s released?? Date please???

  6. Amazing watch again! Only slight grumble: Im a bit behind and catching up, having the names of the competitors in the video titles completely ruined the quarter-finals

  7. This is amazing!

  8. Why are Ryze and Rengar fighting?

  9. Perfection never looked so horrifying.

  10. Nissa, please, be well!!

  11. Wizards of the Woke. never will touch any of your products.

  12. Teferi: rip to Urza but I’m better

  13. Preorder huh?
    Nah, maybe start releasing products that are consumer friendly at a decent quality.

  14. imagine an Arcane-like series of MTG, im surprised they havent done so already

  15. The future is fucked, so they going back to the 90s. When the phyrexian bullshit started

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