YouTube Cut This Content

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PLEASE READ: This is the cut segment from YouTube’s Game On. It’s an interactive analogue horror featuring many of the YouTubers that were a part of the stream. It’s also the work of Lixian, Marcus, Rachel, and Nervly who put in a ton of effort to get in done in time for the event. You’ll probably notice that the structure might seem odd and the choices don’t seem to lead to different places (until the end) and that’s because this was specifically designed to work within the constraints of the Game On stream and point tracking system. So obviously it’s not as rewarding to play it like this and it doesn’t offer any branching consequences besides the 2 endings but it’s still pretty fun. So please enjoy what should have been in the stream yesterday and give a lot of love to the editors (listed below) who worked hard so hard on it.


  1. For more information please read the full description!

  2. I mean… I understand why they cut it :

    It’s WAY BETTER than anything that happened during the event. I mean I was vaguely intrigued when Mattpat made his crowd intelligence crossword experience. But THIS would have made my day significantly more entertaining.
    All the love to the editors that is impressive.

  3. YouTube just sucks at this point, they don’t care about their creators.

  4. YouTube DEF shadowbanned this… 430k views in 3 hours? for mark, that is NOT normal.

  5. This is getting ridiculous… first it was Disney, then Cartoon Network, and now youtube starting shit. seriously what is going on in their head when they do this ?

  6. Youtube only know how to remove content like andrew tate’s and not this stupid sht

  7. Scariest sh*t I’ve seen in a while. Great job!

  8. i just finished playing trough this and i cant believe this was cut. It feels like a love letter to all the amazing analog horrors that have come out recently, packed with references to many of them. Really disjointed in youtube but cant say I expected better from them.

  9. Los Santos Car Reviews


  10. What if this is a part of the “program” mark was talking about? Or maybe that program nonsense was just a skit or a social test?

  11. If YouTube couldn’t fit this in, surely they could have said something before this entire experience was finished right?

  12. It is understandable since it could frighten kids but they should have handled it better like putting a warning

  13. I think i will has 1 video about this ( might take long to do it ) :v

  14. O U T E X E D I T Z


  15. After the last 2-3 months, I wonder if Youtube just want everybody to pissed at them. Like they are asking for the drama and angry/sad community.

  16. lol omg, someone please get me a flow chart haha

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