Absurd Trolley Problems


  1. Id rather do nothing and let them die. Fuck them, its my life savings.

  2. Huh… I have the feeling I have watched a video Mark made in this topic before… But there was another guy with him?

  3. Sorry, i guess there won’t be any new Distractible episodes.

  4. 9:10
    I mean, they can always be rebuilt.

  5. Dominic Monocello

    Mark, to answer your question on the 2nd cousin thing, for the first cousin x times removed you share a grandparent and for the second cousin x times removed you share a great grandparent so on and so forth just keep adding a great which adds 1 more type of cousin

  6. Whats the website name ?

  7. i have one:

    You have survived 100 years and finds yourself in the same situation, but the trolley you sent to the future is gonna kill 5 people. You can pull the lever to send the trolley back into the past, killing 5 people you saved before. do you pull the lever?

  8. Mark…the robots can be fully reinstated as long as their memory banks aren’t too damaged, you can’t revive the dead…just saying, ya dingdong

  9. Mark they are robots they can be rebuilt and probably have there consciousness uploaded to the cloud.

  10. Splat the rich

  11. 3:26 I bet I could take a trolly… Right up the Bumbum!

  12. “I’m not a masochist!”

    *Proceeds to think about getting run over by a trolley in the most painful way possible*

  13. We got an old gentleman villain on the loose

  14. Don’t worry Mark, I’ll give Chica a good life.

  15. I attempt to derail it

  16. butanicisnothere

    9:09 detroit become human in a nutshell

  17. i love that we get to answer a trolley problem at the end

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