Subscriptions For Car Seats!? (The Jimquisition)

Excessive monetization isn’t just for videogames! Let’s see how another industry is taking horrible cues from game publishers as BMW starts charging for car seat heaters!


  1. Groomers are predditors.

  2. My favorite is the calculator apps with subscriptions.

  3. Hence why I drive old cars

  4. Noneofyour Business

    Man, can I just have one of those old soviet cars? It works its cheap, it never breaks down and if it does its easy to fix. Oh yeah and it doesnt try to siphon every cent your owner, sorry boss, pays you, away from you into the pockets of rich capitalists who live of the work of others like some sort of bipedal tapeworm.

  5. The irony of you complaining about subscriptions when you make 12k a month from subscribers to put out 40~ minutes of repetitive content a month. At least a seat warmer isn’t pretending to be something it’s not Jim.

  6. History of the Feminist Movement:
    1848 Seneca Falls Convention: Unofficial start of First Wave of Feminism.(Rights to: Vote, Own Property, Speak Freely, Employment)

    1869 John Stuart Mill: “Women are subjected to duties in wives and mothers because the whole force of education enslaves women’s minds to such roles.”

    First Wave Feminism: “Women In Jobs, Voting Rights” VS Second Wave Feminism: “Abolish Traditional Social Institutions such as Motherhood and Marriage.”

    Turning Point In First Wave: First Birth Control Clinic in 1916. Beginning to Move Away From Rights And Towards Women Doing The Same Things As Men.

    Second Wave Feminism: Simone De Beauvoir (Socialist, Believes Femininity Is Disconnected From Biology) – She Writes in The Second Sex, “Woman is a female to the extend that she feels herself as such. Some essential biological givens are not part of her lived situation. For example, the structure of the ovum is not reflected in it. By contrast, an organ of slight biological importance, like the clitoris, plays a primary role in it.” -1949

    Simone De Beauvoir: “Nature does not define woman. It is she who defines herself by reclaiming nature for herself in her affectivity.” -1949

    Simone De Beauvoir: “Everything helps to confirm this hierarchy in the eyes of the little girl. Historical and literary culture to which she belongs. The songs and legends with which she is lulled to sleep, are one long exaltation of man. Children’s books, mythologies, stories, tales all reflect the myths born of the pride and desires of men. Thus, it is that through the eyes of men, a little girl discovers the world and reads therein, her identity.” -1949

    Simone De Beauvoir: “No woman should be authorized to stay at home to raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice precicely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one. It is a way of forcing women in a certain direction.” -1975

    Betty Friedman: Author of The Feminie Mystique, 1963. (3 Million copies sold)
    She calls Motherhood a “Comfortable Concentration Camp.” She says that Mothers/Wives are equal to “Walking Corpses.”

    Second Wave Feminism starts to argue that: Every Aspect Of Life Is Political and that Gender Roles Are Stifling. According to the Second Wave Feminism the only way To Be Free Is To Reject Those Roles.

    Third Wave Feminism: Shulamith Firestone says, “The end goal of the Feminist Revolution must be, unlike that of the First Feminism Movement, not just the elimination of male privilege but of the sex distinction itself: genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally. A reversion to an unobstructed pan sexuality Freud’s ‘Polyamorphous Perversity’- would probably supersede hetero/homo/bi-sexuality.” -1970

    Essentially, Shulamith Firestone believes in Sexual Fluidity, that Gender Differences Don’t Matter, and that Sex Is Arbitrary. Shulamith Firestone argued for Artificial Reproduction, Children Being Born To Both Sexes, Motherhood Should Be Replaced, all to End “Tyranny Of The Biological Family.”

    In 1970 Kate Millet wrote, “…an end to traditional sexual inhibitions and taboos, particularly those that most threaten patriarchical monogamous marriage: Homosexuality, Illegitimacy, Adolescent, and Pre-and Extra-Marital Sexuality.”

    Third Wave Feminism extends beyond the idea of the female entirely arguing that Gender Is Entirely Performative and that Gender Is Disconnected From Sex. This is the Foundation Of The Trans Movement.

    Robert Stoller, Early Leader of the Trans Movement, Author of a book called Sex And Gender. In 1968 he argued that Sex and Gender are entirely distinct. Stoller’s inspiration was John Money, a perverse human being, who founded John Hopkins Gender Clinic in 1965. Money is responsible for The Twin Experiment which cost the life of David Reimer and his twin brother.

    John Money: “The Gender Identity gate is open at birth for a normal child no less than one born with unfinished sex organs. It stays open for something over a year after birth.”

    Judith Butler (Founder of Queer Theory) goes further saying that Transgenderism Is Not Enough. Judith Butler argues for Total Gender Fluidity and for Individual’s Pursuit Of Self Definition. She says society has to celebrate and approve such self definition because, “We are not carving out a place for our autonomy – if by autonomy we mean a state of individuation, taken as self – persisting prior to and apart from any relations of dependency on the world of others.” -2004

    If there is a Fourth Wave Feminism then its tenets are that we are Beyond Gender, Beyond Sex, and that now it’s all about Political Power and how we form Coalitions Of The Oppressed Under Intersectionality.

    We went from First Wave Feminism, a movement directed towards something, namely Towards Rights, to a Modern Feminism that is Against: Tradition, Biology, Reality, Language, Your Ability To Speak Freely.

    The evolution of Feminism is a deevolution. It starts with certain high ideals and it ends with the complete destruction of all roles, sex, gender, all of it. It ends with the destruction of all that in the name of autonomy. But none of that generates anything remotely approaching human happiness, which is why you see skyrocketing rates of simultaneous self identification as lgbtq and simultaneous skyrocketing rates of mental illness and suicidal ideation, specifically in areas that take these sorts of ideas incredibly seriously.

  7. And then people get mad at me for not generating another human being for the food grinder that is this shitty capitalistic world.

  8. You thought video game microtransactions were bad? The real world is saying, “hold my beer”

  9. The silliest part is that this doesn’t even remotely reach the lowest bar for reasonable subscription services: products that incur indefinite maintenance costs on the provider. If the heated seats, or remote starter, or oncoming driver-friendly high beams required constant readjustment, remote servers and a big team of staff to keep them functional, that would be more reasonable. But you’re just paying protection money to the thugs who made your car.

  10. Of course this is happening. It’s been happening for years and things only get worse with corporations.

  11. Everyone banging on about subscription car seat warmers.
    Meanwhile Motorbike jackets have Subscription AIRBAGS ….. Yep it ‘could’ save you life but your Credit card was declined so CRUNCHHHHHHH.

  12. Oh look, a multi-millionaire who makes his money by exploiting the exact system of capitalism he claims to hate is busy claiming to hate the thing he does for a living and that feeds him and pays his bills! Hold up a minute… don’t YOU have a Patreon? Isn’t that (gasp) subscription based? I wish there were a word for the type of person you are. Oh, wait, there is: HYPOCRITE.

  13. Every time i think i’m crazy and maybe they’re right and it is a useful tool. It can be nice to be able to try it out for a minor price or something. I’m THIS close to caving in and admitting I was wrong… and then comes Jim Sterling.

    I may not support everything Jim Sterling but no one else has the history of being correct that Jim has. Calling out a bloody spade for being a bloody spade the way Jim does. For this I’ll always be thankful to Jim. Keeping my head on straight.

  14. BMW = Big Money Wasted

  15. I think I’ll just wear a coat when driving tbh. Fuck this.

  16. If you really do have OCD you should check out Psilocybin as a legitimate treatment to cure it. There’s research out there on this, worth reading about it.

  17. that laugh after Google Stadia was adorable 😛

  18. A friend of mine just started working for a company that sells sports replay cameras to highschools and they have a $500/per year charge to use the rewind feature.

  19. Please tell me that Sovereign Pro Wrestling match with Commander Sterling & Kidd Bandit will be available online for those of us who can’t see it live…

  20. Okay I’m going to go off, but, video games are entertainment. They are a luxury, so if someone says video games are “just too expensive to make”, the person who already wants to buy a video game will sigh and shell out, because they already wanted this luxury and that’s their business. Cars, however. Oh, cars. America has been flattened and ground up and plowed and divided for the support of CARS. Not public transport, not walkable cities with affordable living spaces, not literally any other way to travel–we have scarred the surface of the land for Cars. Increasingly people don’t WANT to buy cars, we simply HAVE to as walkability becomes more and more limited (you might get HIT by a CAR trying to walk anywhere when streets were originally meant for multiple forms of transportation!!). People who need a car cannot be manipulated the same way gamers can because cars, which WERE ONCE A LUXURY, are now a necessity. It’s laughable. These companies do not deserve our attention and are not interested in our loyalty.

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