The Art Of Being Awful (The Jimquisition)

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Return to Monkey Island has a lot of fans excited, hooray! It also has plenty of others who are angry, because of course it does. It wouldn’t be videogames without some utter rage.

Also, Cammy’s pants. Also midges.


  1. 3:32 – _Any_ of the others? Even MI4 with its Grim Fandango tech? It’s not like I love the artstyle of this one, but “It doesn’t look like it used to” is a nonsense argument. Between MI1 and MI4 we had three completely different artstyles and technologies. We had pixels (MI1/2), a cartoon (MI3) and 3D puppets in pre-rendered backgrounds (MI4). So, dear fanbase, which one is it? Which one’s the look Monkey Island ‘always’ had?

  2. Balzac T Bagher

    7:43 it’s weird that these idiots are upset about this nowadays when they literally did this to chun li in street fighter alpha. These right wingers are the biggest snowflakes in history

  3. You can actually come down in tone at the end of sentence you know Jim.

  4. Thank god for the *fast forward* button!

    OT: I really do get turned off, by those who put the *dumb* in fandom!
    Instead of celebrating the fact that a game is getting a long awaited sequel, they shit all over it loooooog before it’s even released for play.

    It’s like that in any circle.
    I remember *really* liking DBZ until the gate keeping zealots of the series, with their cult-like obsession towards it, made me embarrassed to be a fan… Causing me to abandon the series entirely. :*(

    In short: Like what you like but don’t be a dick about it.

  5. It looks fucking awful

  6. Still better than THAT battletoads

  7. All Roads Lead to Stephanie Fucking Sterling – the book, the film, the game, the t-shirt

  8. I had the opposite reaction to Wind Waker as everybody else.

    I liked the Art Stye.

    I hated the game.

  9. Ross-Alexander Smith

    “Wank Warriors”. Going to have to use that more often

  10. My personal main issue with the SF6 art style is that it seems to exaggerate every stereotype each character has to the nth degree. It’s not a “woke” complaint so much as… it just looks silly at a certain point.

  11. Smoking clearly doesn’t kill them fast enough

  12. Specificity Archives

    Question for Justin, was the slow pull back at 5:12 from the deranged yet cool and charismatic Bakougo drifting over to reveal the incel twerp Mineta a purposeful editing choice to reveal the difference between what the fanbase thinks it is (Bakougo) and what it really is (Mineta)? If so that was beautifully achieved! :~D

  13. It’s really the amount of entitlement that irritates the most. “I have an opinion that I’ve heard some others share, so you should respect what we want because we alone are The Fanbase.”

    Nobody can just keep their opinions solely about themselves. _I_ don’t like this, _I_ am not fond of the artstyle. No, it has to be some kind of objective statement about the quality as a whole, regardless of who else might actually like it. (And then they insult those that do, as well.)

    Fucking exhausting is right.

  14. I really don’t like the art style, but that won’t stop me from playing it, assuming it is as well written as one hopes it will be (and once it goes on sale).

  15. Wind Waker the best Zelda game? Those are some thick nostalgia goggles my dude(t).
    It’s a bunch of slow sailing in a sparse overworld with not very many dungeons (as a bunch were cut because development time ran out).
    The art style is fine, but the game itself is bottom tier Zelda. The HD remake with faster sailing, faster changing of wind directions and a shortened triforce quest, I’d put in mid tier. But both are far, far, far from the best.

  16. The most tragic fact? I genuinely find the new style … Gorgeous 😮

  17. Personally I would have liked something like the Special Editions or Deponia.

  18. You just know the people getting toxic about Monkey Island’s look are the same berks who wont shut up about “cal-arts style”.

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