Streamin’ On Easy Street (The Jimquisition)

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The age-old debate about easy modes has reared its ugly head again, this time due to conflicts in the streaming world. Should streamers get to play games on easier difficulties? Yes, obviously, but let’s validate our own opinions in a video!

Also, Google Stadia gets a hot non-exclusive, and CaseyExplosion is here to recommend an indie game!


  1. The Jimquisition is like a weird ARG that no one understands that has a person talking about video games attached to it.

  2. The carrot opening is angelic. I don’t know how, but somehow I blame you for my month long carrot craving.

  3. The Falling Dream

    Casey is a heckin delight, that’s just science

  4. This “Jimquisition’s Sudden Turn to Surrealism” arc is going quite well, innit?

  5. Both relieved and disappointed it wasn’t just 24 minutes of eating carrots. Basically I’ve no idea what I want 🙁

  6. Whenever anyone asks ‘does anyone actually use those stock footage clips?’ they get directed to Jim Sterling post-haste.

  7. Joker Productions

    Review bell peppers next. ALL the bell peppers.

  8. Casey has the most calming voice, I could listen to her for hours!

  9. Can we expect regular Casey Explosion indie highlights because that was delightful.

  10. I expect Char-Cutie-Ri to be an everyday segment now.

  11. We clearly need to hear more from this Casey Explosion character. A recurring bit?

  12. Milkshake Barrage

    There’s no easier difficulty than watching streamers.

  13. I’m gonna become an indie game developer and then hide the “true” ending in the easy mode

  14. Your experience with chat advice and conflicting information is so bloody true. Has always been my experience with backseat gamers on stream chats that the advice is often 2 totally opposite things and the chat is split 50-50 between them and therefore it is zero help to the streamer, and just drowns out the people there to have a good time. If a streamer wants advice, they’ll ask for it, and it’s up to them whether to take it, because it’s their stream. I’ve beaten bosses in games only to be told by randos that I was “doing it wrong”, and I’m like…I beat the boss. I just found a different way to the one you know/are able to do. Just enjoy it like the rest of us or sod off?

  15. Ashley Roboto is one of my favorite streamers, she’s such a wholesome person, and I first discovered her through a Twitter clip where she defeated the orphan of Kos in bloodborne on her first run. She’s super worth your time, check her out!

  16. “I want to see the video gaming opinions of a weirdo cryptid”


    “No, someone gayer.”

    “Oh. Jim Steph Sterling then.”

  17. As Dara O’Briain once said: “Why do we put up with games keeping us from playing them? Imagine a book closing up and going ‘So tell me, what where the themes of the first chapters’ so you have to be good at reading to continue. I paid for my video game, I’m going to f-ing play it.”

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