Outriders – Early ‘AAA’ccess To A Disgusting Degree (Jimpressions)

A week after buying it, Outriders is one of the very worst “live service” experiences I’ve ever played.

The servers are so busted, the software so prone to crashing, and the gameplay so unworthy of the investment that I’m absolutely disgusted.

While I understand not everybody has had my experience, I can only share mine, and I am legitimately angry that something has wasted my time and money so thoroughly.

Outriders is the epitome of my problem with these half-baked, rushed, Early “AAA”ccess products.


  1. Imagine the core of your review being server issues. Literally every online game has that

  2. “I’ve got loads and loads of footage of this game’s loading screen.”

    Was that pun intentional?

  3. I feel sad for people who still havent learned not to jump onto stuff like this.Its not even a surprise anymore

  4. As someone that’s enjoying the game a lot, I see no lie here.

  5. this is truly an epic gamer moment

  6. If you have an “always online” requirement, your servers should be in peak condition on day 1. They should have done stress tests on the servers first before launch.

  7. expect skeletor screaming “OUUTTTRIDDERRRSS” at the end of the year lads. It’s happening.

  8. I was secretly hoping the entire video was the login screen, which has been my experience.

  9. And I’m free, free falling.

  10. SimsCity showed the disaster that always online is, in 2014. But the industry doesn’t listen

  11. Stuff like this makes me have to include “offline” in my video game searches.

  12. I actually liked it when it worked. The key to that sentence is WHEN IT WORKED.

  13. 2011: “This game’s balancing is kinda crap but I guess I can just mod it a bit”
    2021: “Yay, this AAA game didn’t brick my console today”

    This is not the best timeline.

  14. “I think the people are ready to pay $70 for games”

    Hmm…….are you sure about that…. because I’m more tempted to become a pirate than pay anymore not gonna lie

  15. Even when people do demand better, they’re the ones who get called “entitled” by other people as well as by the industries themselves. We’re essentially being shamed into complacency and it’s sickening.

  16. Skinéad O'Connor

    Imagine if Disney released a film with characters acting totally normal, juxtaposed by accidentally defying physics in every conceivable way. You’d never hear the end of it.

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