Screw Apple, Screw Google, And Screw Epic Games

Screw the lot of them. Yes, Apple and Google need taking down from their high towers. Yes, Epic Games has a point as it sues to keep Fortnite on mobile devices. But absolutely all of them are as bad as each other.

Epic Games is currently trying to mobilize fans into an embarrassing sort of freedom force. The company deliberately broke terms of service with Apple in order to manipulate a situation in which Fortnite’s removed from the App Store and Epic positions itself as a rebel icon.

Fortnite started trying to see virtual currency directly, ignoring the mandatory payment processes that give Apple and Google their cuts on iOS and Android. It’s a gigantic fight over money that Epic has more or less staged, and while Apple and Google take huge cuts from developers, there is no way Epic should be seen as a hero – especially with the tasteless way in which it’s performing said “heroics.”


#Fortnite #FreeFortnite #EpicGames #Apple #Android #Google #iOS #Microtransactions #Lawsuit #Controversy #IndustryBS


  1. “Aaaaa… Nothing like using a seemingly moral high ground to pressure the consumers into increasing my profits” – Epic Games

  2. pUsSy_eAtEr_EaterOfPussy

    These companies wouldn’t mind if the world burns to ashes as long as they are making profits. But when a flames start licking the fence of their backyard, it’s an Avengers level threat.

  3. As a good general rule: Never side with a Mega Corp when it is fighting against something. If they fight among each others, just chew on some popcorn. If they fight against rules and regulations: side with whom they fight against. Or do you really see yourself rallying behind EA in the fight for Loot Boxes? Mega Corp care only about one thing: your money and how to get it.

  4. Epic Says : “Apple is anti-competetive”
    Also Epic : ” Lets buy every 3rd party game under the sun and make them exclusive so that people use our shitty launcher and give us money”

  5. Remember when Google’s motto was “Don’t be evil”? Even they realised that’s a silly thing to stand by. Mega-corps aren’t inherently good or evil, but like capitalist society, they are layered, with those at the top earning disproportionately more, whilst being less involved with the products and services which actually create the value. As you say, it’s always about vast sums of money that only a handful of people get to see. Developers and consumers both get screwed by the upper echelons.

  6. LMAO Epic Games talking and complaining about “monopoly” and “competition” is peak hypocrisy

  7. Perfectly Sliced Egg

    Ok so Epic deliberately broke the rules so now they are acting like the victim to gang up on the company they started shit with? Ok? So if I stabbed someone and start crying will people rush to come and defend me?

  8. Epic isn’t being brave, this is just something Richie Rich would do as a teenager if he doesn’t get tickets to the movies

  9. Epic Games trying to sue another company for a monopoly while trying to aggressively monopolize the PC game store space? Oh boy.

  10. Epic: “Apple has become what it once railed against: the behemoth seeking to control markets, block competition, and stifle innovation.”
    So, behemoths like you?

    Jim: “Don’t go to war for Epic.”
    If for no other reason than they’re being giant hypocrites here.

  11. Remember EA trying to recruit people to protest the lootbox ban in Belgium? Or was that 2K?

    Corpos are all basically interchangeable anyway. Whatever.

  12. “Apple and Google removed Fortnite from their stores.”

    And nothing of value was lost.

  13. Nicholas Patterson

    I feel like the vast majority of the fortnite playerbase doesn’t even know what 1984 is.

  14. Emotional Hobocore

    This is how the first corporation wars start.

    Just kidding almost all wars are corporate wars.

  15. “These companies, who wouldn’t piss on any of you if you were on fire..”

    Come on Jim, you know they’d gladly piss all over us… after charging for the privilege, of course.

  16. Even more proof that Fortshite is just a game to take money from kids.

  17. Epic has NO interest in “fair competition.” They want a stranglehold.

    Joke’s on them, I only simp for GoG!

  18. And let’s not forget the vast majority of that “army” that Epic is trying to rally are underage children.

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