NBA 2K21 Is $69.99 On Next-Gen Consoles While 2K Spews Vague Nonsense About “Value”

It looks like videogame prices are set to raise next generation, going from $59.99 to $69.99. We don’t yet know for sure because the videogame industry is being The Videogame Industry about it.

We do know that NBA 2K21 will test the waters, debuting on PS5 and Xbox Series X at $69.99, ten bucks more than its current-gen counterpart. When asked if this would be a new standard, nobody confirmed it. Because that would be too easy and straightforward.

Let’s talk about price hikes, corporate deflection, and the ol’ Sixty Dollar Myth.

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  1. 7:10 here’s a question… if they reckon the replay value of their game is nearly endless, why should anyone ever buy the yearly installment in the series?

  2. Ironic, considering these “valuable” games lose their “value” the fastest compared to others

  3. This will only make me more picky about the games I buy.
    At least I’ll have more time for my other hobbies now.

  4. 2K: We need to show players the value of our games… looting their wallets of all it’s cash.

  5. How can they talk about value when within a year NBA 20 is literally a free game !

  6. Remember the time Extra Credits tried to tell us we should be paying $90 for games?

  7. “Only next-gen will allow us to sell the same game we’ve been selling every year for twenty years”

  8. “The price hike represents the value being offered”

    K?… So how many card packs, slot machines, dlcs, cosmetics, etc. do I have to partake in before game becomes VALUABLE?

  9. “worker wages haven’t exactly raised either” Exactly!!! You know what, I’d be happy to pay the extra 10 if they guaranteed in writing that it would be used to pay the people working on it more. In writing, and confirmed to not have any caveats added.

  10. “Endless replay value” until the servers shutdown or the yearly release creeps up.

    This industry is a joke.

  11. “Power, speed, and technology that’s only possible on new hardware…”

    Yeah, that’s why we’ll be putting out money for the HARDWARE. You get the same argument for old Wii U games on Switch costing 60$, “but it’s portable!!1!” Yeah. I already paid for portability when I bought the Switch. That’s a feature OF THE HARDWARE, not the software.

  12. 2K over here acting like their NBA games dont go on sale for $20 3 months after release

  13. $60 to me has the same “value” as it did back in 2006. Everything else got expensive while my wages has never really increased.

  14. “Don’t ask questions. Just consume product and get excited for next product”

  15. i can’t remember the last time i felt “value” from a sports game…they’re virtually the same thing every release. nhl 2006 was great, i remember that much.

  16. “8:03 Look at that ultra realistic next gen cave that current consoles just straight out can’t render because they lack the hardware capacity to process all of these rocks and formations. Remember how awesome they look within those 5 seconds that will take you to sprint past all that raytracing shit to deliver some generic fetch quest in our next super realistic AC clone of a game. With 5 Ultimate Editions. Pre-Order. Now.”

  17. “It’ll be a monumental leap forward”

    My younger brother went and got the 2k16 game for like 2 bucks because the career mode in it is aparently better than in the newest game to him, so good luck on that if you got kids going out to get versions 4 years old because the never versions are worse in their eyes. XD

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