In The UK, Lords Call For “Immediate Regulation” Of Loot Boxes

In shocking news, it turns out that gambling is gambling, even if it’s in a videogame. Last year, the UK House of Commons said that gambling was gambling, and now the House of Lords has agreed – it turns out that gambling is gambling!

The Lords’ report calls for the immediate regulation of loot boxes, pointing out that much of what needs doing won’t even require new regulations and can be implemented swiftly.

All I have to say is what I said last year… the “AAA” industry deserves it. It deserves to be regulated, investigated, and in some areas shut down. It’s rotten to the core, and as the months go by, I only see more putrefaction that needs flushing.


#LootBoxes #Microtransactions #Gambling #Regulation #UK #Politics #Money #Videogames #Games #Game #Gaming #PS4 #PC #XboxOne #JimSterling #IndustryBS


  1. Jim: Did i mentioned that lootboxes are gambling?

  2. Its raining outside… Just heard my childhood pet died yesterday… House is currently burning down and I have been robbed out on the street…
    Lootboxes declared gambling.
    Best day ever!

  3. Dustin Von Allmen

    Gambling is gambling? What? That doesn’t add up… explain please.

  4. Dammit, now the word “gambling” doesn’t sound like a word anymore

  5. “im done being diplomatic about it” if you , up until this point, have been diplomatic im scared to see what the not-so-diplomatic Jim looks like. Maybe you grow a Dragon head or smth.

  6. Clement Moraschi

    I’d place a gamble that multiple Lords’ kids blew out their credit cards on lootboxes during lockdown.

  7. *listening intently as i hear phone games EA and Activison Screaming in Horror Anger and Pain in the distance* Ah Sweet Music to my ears

  8. Beer and cigs…can chemically induce addiction through external ingestion, so no good for kids.

    Loot boxes/GAMBLING…can chemically induce addiction through internal consumption, E for Everyone.

    Triple AaaaaA game companies and their overpaid CEOs will have a special place reserved in Hell. Thank God for Jim!

  9. British government: I don’t knooow…seems like a lot of work
    House of Lords: you could add a tax
    British government: well why didn’t you say earlier! *makes loot boxes gambling*

  10. Hopefully this leads to a more thorough investigation of their tax evasions, workers rights abuse, coddling of shill reviewers, and other general fuckery.

    This industry is in sore need of a reckoning. Not holding my breath.

    Not using the surprise mechanic character was a missed opportunity citizen sterling.

  11. thelaughingrouge

    “If a product looks like gambling and feels like gambling, itshould be regulated as gambling.”
    Literally the most sense anyone in government has made in years.

  12. love the telling off Justin gives us for being so bored and having the free time to read the newspaper end slate, lol.

  13. Inb4 EA says something like “We don’t agree with this country’s interpretation of their own law.

  14. One of the few joys I hope so see happen in my life before I wither away is to make sure that my future children or at the very least my future grandchildren will live in a world where the video game industry is held accountable for every slimey horrendous disgusting thing that the evil festering maggots in charge of those industries have ever done. If I’m lucky, I will get to see the downfall of their practices myself. I’m only 27. Progress is being made. I don’t think my wish is unrealistic or minor. I’m tired of innocent people with gambling addictions and children who simply don’t know any better being preyed upon by people who don’t need any more fucking money. So I’m with Jim. The time for the world to pull its punches while fighting the game industry’s cruel and ruthless “leaders” ended long ago. Fuck them all. They can literally, truly, really, actually, positively DIE.

  15. Loot boxes classified as gambling:
    AAA industry: we need to fire half our ppl, reduce their salery, and crunch them more, as increase the bonus for the ‘Top’ managers to keep the shareholder happy …

    This or all of these of this will be the response

  16. Gambling has a small chance to pay me back for the money I lost.

    Lootboxes are worse than gambling.

  17. Let’s take a look at the facts:
    – Jim Sterling said Loot Boxes are gambling
    – The House of Lords said Loot Boxes are gambling
    -> Jim Sterling is a Lord
    –> Thank God for Jim Sterling

    I rest my case.

  18. “Teaching children to gamble”.
    You can be 40 that never gambled your whole life, play a game with lootboxes, and come out an addicted gambler.

  19. whenever i see that fifa cover i get ptsd from being so excited about getting a copy of mario odyssey then it turned out the company shipped FIFA by accident.. any other game would be an honest mistake, the fact that it was that game felt like a personal insult.

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