Ubisoft’s Trackmania Subscription Isn’t A Subscription Because Ubisoft Says It Isn’t

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Trackmania Nations is being rebooted as one of Ubisoft’s arbitrary “live service” games. While free to play, it has a subscription model for access to its most tantalizing features.

Or rather, it’s NOT a subscription model because Ubisoft says it isn’t.

In a baffling case of PR making things sound worse, Ubisoft has clarified that it doesn’t consider Trackmania Nations to have a subscription service so much as it does have the option to spend money on it at regular intervals. Like a… subscription.

Ubisoft is making things up once more.

Source: https://www.pcgamer.com/ubisoft-says-trackmania-is-not-subscription-based-you-just-pay-for-it-multiple-times/

#Ubisoft #Trackmania #TrackmaniaNations #LiveServices #Subscription #Money #Greed #FreeToPlay #F2P #Racing #RacingGame #JimSterling #IndustryBS #Games #Game #Gaming #Videogames #XboxOne #PC #PS4


  1. It’s not a subscription: It’s “regular interval payments”
    It’s not Lootboxes, we call them “surprise mechanics”
    It’s not a season pass, it’s an “expansion pass”
    It’s not a unrealistic trailer, it’s a better focus on gameplay
    It’s not our product that’s bad, you’re just using the wrong platform
    I mean, I think that covers them all.

  2. And soon we’ll find Todd Howard sniffing around Ubi’s trashbin like a leather jacketed racoon for more ideas on monetizing user content without paying them.

  3. The word “subscription” actually sounds better than the description

  4. stupid so-called ‘aaa’ publisher does/says something stupid and discourages me from supporting them yet again.

  5. Just want to let everyone know though: The original Trackmania Nations is still available, totally free, with one of the most lax monetization models I’ve seen in a F2P game. It’s great and I would highly reccomend it, I’ve sunk many hours into it without spending a dime.

  6. More than most cases, this really feels like them first making the decision to make it a subscription (or not-subscription apparently) and THEN tried figuring out what to stuff into or cut out of tiers. I know that’s absolutely what did happen, and how it often works, but given they took “the best bit of the game” out of the game for the free tier and then added… “here’s some crap you might like I guess” for the expensive one, they didn’t even try to pretend they had any other reason than “This is how we do it”.

  7. That’s… literally the definition of a subscription?
    I didn’t murder someone it was simply unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
    How is using the definition of something used as a deflection?

  8. Remember when map editors in games like Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 used to be free? Because it was free! They shouldn’t be charging a subscription for features that have no running costs! Just like Bethesda charging a subscription to play Fallout 76 in single player… just like Nintendo charging a subscription to play retro games now… there are too many damn subscriptions!

  9. Anyone: water is wet.
    Ubisoft: Ackchyually water is not wet, it’s extremely moisturizing.

  10. This is not a “comment”, this is an assembly of words to form a text to represent my personal thoughts about this video.

  11. Paid mods = Creation club
    Microtransactions = Recurrent spending
    Loot boxes = Surprise mechanics
    Subscription service = Pay for multiple times.
    Pissing on you = Golden rain from the heavens.

  12. Ubisoft after that hollow, over monetised Ghost Recon; “We’re sorry, we promise we will do better!”
    Ubisoft now that people are no longer angry; “Quick, rip out all the good stuff and cram in more monetisation!”

  13. Some Random Dude

    When trying to miss-communicate at least try to make the term you’re using more appealing than the term you’re trying to sweep under the rug.

  14. I suspect there’s an entire generation of kids raised to think that “live service” and unlimited monetization means the game is still current and has longevity so it’s worth playing long term and investing (spending) money in-game. In contrast they’re raised to believe a “pay once” game is something disposable so not worth playing. I assume mobile phone gaming has done this to them.

  15. “If you pay nothing, you will be able take part in solo or multiplayer races.” Don’t forget, you will still need that Uplay account to race online. So that the ghouls at Ubisoft can sell your personal information to their cockroach friends.

  16. “No, your Honor, I did not rob the bank. I simply convinced them to donate a large sum of money to me after showing them my new cool hunting rifle.”

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