Liar’s Year 2020 (The Jimquisition)

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The year before a console launch is incredible because you can lie about anything you like. I’m assuming it’s okay for everyone to do it, because the game industry does it every generation!

The PS5 and Xbox Series X (XSX?) are due out this year, and the tone has been set for another half a decade of total bollocks. It’s fine though, because it’s Liar’s Year. You can say what you want, and nobody can call you out!


  1. Well it is the year of the pig (capitalist pig?)

  2. Professor Linhardt

    Me : at least they can’t do worse now…
    Game industries : Are you challenging me ?

  3. I’ve always thought this show needed more tentacles.

  4. Was this just a long winded excuse for Jim to dress up as Mysterio again?

  5. In the spider-verse technically there’s a world where a b grade alter ego of Mysterio is played by actor extraordinaire Jim Sterling. Also people have been hot-swapping Playstation hard drive capacity to SSDs for years even on the PS3. because that’s a thing you can easily do, its taken almost a decade for a giant corporation to figure that out.

  6. JackElderScrolls

    Assassins Creed gameplay trailer: only shows fake cut-scenes

  7. I’m surprised Sony or Microsoft haven’t contacted cucumber succulent for a sponsorship deal

  8. Siddhant Banerjee

    That Insomniac’s Spiderman 2 sneak peak as the intro was a genius move

  9. 2017: the year of the lute
    2020: the year of the lyre
    When do we get the year of the hurdy-gurdy?

  10. Since we’re talking about lies…
    I remember when Epic Games said, that any sales on their stores are final, and that they would respect any and all purchases, even if they used discounts made by mistake. But when Detroit was made free by mistake, all of the purchases were rolled back, because apparently “If it’s free – it’s not a purchase”.

  11. Next gen. Those leafs look so real, just like outside my door. I’m so happy I spent xxx on this to see that. Game play you say? Well basically the same has it has been for the last twenty years. But realistic leaf’s!!!!

  12. This week’s episode is running on Unreal Engine 5 holy shit

  13. “I don’t remember his name, he’s a British guy, always angry. He’s a big fella, he has a hard-on for me…” – Mandy Blanchard

  14. Thomas Butterworth

    [Jim Sterling will remember that]

  15. “Jim will remember”.
    See you next year for a Jimquisition about “non-existent” loading time.

  16. My favorite lie was when they said the Kinect is a hard piece of the xbone and cannot be removed ever.
    And literally a few weeks later they did that.

  17. Another bad lie:
    “It just works”
    *Insert Bethesda Rave*

  18. TomRoc Tagsmith

    10% Bell Explanation: 90% of your subs are subbed to too many good channels to want to have notifications enabled. We’d get blown up all day. Too intrusive. I’ll tell YT when I want to watch YT, I don’t need to see new videos as soon as they’re published. No FOMO.

  19. I can tell you _how_ the SSD claim is a lie Jim, and I can do it in lay language: it’s because the PS5 is built on technology that was already in development for the general computing market. It’s _technically not_ on the PC market _yet_ , because it’s not on _any_ market yet. What Sony’s actually told us, if you read between the lines, is that they’re going to launch tech that could potentially be used on any computer, but branded PS5, possibly locked for use only with the PS5, and almost certainly at a tremendous markup. And then that tech will be released for the mass market later. It’s a _hardware exclusivity deal._

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